[center][b][color=black]Name:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Zalek[/color] [img]http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae100/DarkWolfProductionsX/zalek.png[/img] [color=gold][list] [*] Height: 6'9" [*] Weight: 300 plbs [*] Eye color: No particular, changes everyday. [*] Physique: looks to be toned and fit [*] Scars/identifying marks: None [*] Attire: Is know the wear a variance of black cryptic looking robes made of unknown material. The robes style will switch from day to day at times. Always wear a pair of intricately designed black boots that have foreign marking of his home planet on them. His robes also have the same markings on the hems and the around the hood on his head. Is also know to always wear a pair of black gloves that have unknown metal in the knuckles, the finger tips of the gloves neatly trimmed away and hemmed. [/list][/color] [b][color=black]Age:[/color][/b] [color=gold]In appearance he looks to be about fifty to fifty five years old. He is thought to be around over 3000 years old, but his true age is highly unknown.[/color] [b][color=black]Race:[/color] [/b][hider=Henge][center][b][color=black][h1]Shape Shifter Race (Henge – Meaning Shape-shifting Deities)[/h1][/color][/b][/center] [color=black][center][h3][Important Note to all: Unless you intend to be a shape-shifter then most everything you will read will not be common knowledge if known at all. The Henge are a highly secretive race and do not willingly divulge their culture to outsiders.][/h3][/center][/color] [color=black][b]Name of Race:[/b][/color][color=gold]The Henge (pronounced HEN-GEY)[/color] [color=black][b]Other known classifications:[/b][/color] [color=gold][list] [*]Skin walkers (term made up by humans considered a derogatory term in Henge culture) [*]Changelings (term for new born or untested in Henge culture) [*]Shifters (most common used term in Henge culture) [*]Converters (term made up by humans, considered derogatory in Henge culture) [*]Body thief’s (term made up by humans, considered derogatory in Henge culture)[/list][/color] [color=black][b]Henge Description:[/b][/color] [color=gold]The Henge or Shape-shifting Deities are a race of unknown origins. Thought of to be humanoid given their human like appearance i.e. two legs, two arms, they are considered another type of human. However the Henge most commonly take human appearance on Earth given its inhabitants, their true form is known by none, even in Henge culture many of the Henge do not know their true form, shape shifting the moment of birth. Only the Eldest of the Henge know what their true definitive form is having read the ancient tomes left by the very first of their race. The Henge are a strict race by nature, unlike humans they do not tolerate disobedience, they are raised in the belief that disrespect of those who are wiser then you is the greatest disrespect one can give. The Henge will not hesitate to kill those who choose to disregard the ways and teachings of their kind. The Henge are a heavily structured race, they live and die by their Hierarchy as much of their traditions and beliefs. The Eldest of the Henge are referred to as Hoaray (WHORE-AY) they are among the wisest of the Henge, in human standards they are the highest in power, and the readers of the sacred tomes left by the first Henge. There are usually only two Hoaray at any one time, it is rare to see three, one Hoaray is devoted to the Tomes, while the other is charged with taking care of their race. Both positions have no higher honor over the other, and both are vital, so there is no turmoil. The only known ways for one to become Hoaray are as followed [list] [*]One of the Hoaray passes on to the beyond and another is chosen by the remaining Hoaray. Those who are nominated as Hoaray are those who have passed the rites and passages of the Henge and are of appropriate age which is in human standards four hundred years old. [*]The second known way is that a current serving Hoaray is removed from position for betrayal of their race of dishonor of their position. Where in the said Hoaray will be publicly executed and another shall be chosen by the remaining Hoaray. Same prerequisites as above must be adhered to. [*]In the event that both Hoarays are both dismissed by death or execution the standing Soaray (SORE-AY) will elect two more Hoaray's.[/list] The next in the hierarchy are the Soaray, they are the the enforcers just below the Hoarays, they are the day to day advisers, there are most commonly four of the Soaray. They are all tasked with one job and they see it done to the best of their abilities. The positions listed below are in descending order of ranking position. [list] [*]Hoarays Voice - The Soaray in this position is tasked with taking orders from the Hoarays and relaying them to the other five Soarays. This is also a position in which the Soaray reports to the Hoarays on a daily basis of events which take place from day to day. They are the eye's and ears and the voice of the Hoarays, only the most trusted of the Henge acquire this position. Hoarays voice only answer to the Hoarays and them alone. [*]Master of the Passages – The master of the Passages is the Soaray who is tasked with giving the sacred rite of passage that all Henge must partake in when they become of the appropriate age. They and they alone over see the trials and make final judgment of them. This Soaray only answers to the Hoarays voice or the Hoarays themselves. [*]Master of Knowledge – The master of knowledge is charged with the education of the Henge culture, in this position they are tasked with making sure that all Henge from birth are properly educated in the ways of The Henge. They are also tasked with preparing the younger Henge for the rites of passage. This position almost always has many lesser Henge assisting. This Soaray only answers to the Hoarays voice or the Hoarays themselves. [*]Master of discipline – The master of discipline is the Soaray who keeps peace among the Henge, what humans would call the authority. They have the utmost power to do as they wish to those that they deem a threat to their culture. They keep a tight iron fist on all Henge and ensure that discipline is up kept at all levels. They are charged with all executions. These Soaray only answer to the Hoarays voice or the Hoaray themselves.[/list] Those under the Soaray are Henge Citizens who have undergone the trials and have proven themselves worthy to one day possibly ascend in the hierarchy. Citizens are often referred to as Shifters tasked with many position including but not limited to working under one of the three Soaray's four if the voice of the Hoaray's requires it. The last of the Henge hierarchy is the untested, which are more often then not the youngest of the Henge referred to as changelings and have yet to take the rite of passage, these Henge are often under strict tutelage awaiting their day to take the rite of passage and learning the way of the Henge.[/color] [color=black][b]The Sacred Rite of Passage:[/b][/color] [color=gold]All Henge when they reach the appropriate age of fifty years old by human age, they are required under penalty of execution to take the sacred rite of passage. All Henge are required to do this. The Rites of passage are not well known by other cultures and are strictly forbidden knowledge to those outside of the Henge race. However through the many years few things have been heard about the rites. The rites are made up of three tests of unknown hardship, each test is meant to test the Henge taking it in the most extreme ways. Each test has a risk of death, the risk of death raising with each test. There have been no known Henge to have failed the test and survived for if a Henge is to start the test but fail at any point they are executed if not killed by their failure during the test.[/color] [color=black][b]Henge Beliefs:[/b][/color] [color=gold]All Henge believe that there is something greater beyond the life they live now. Even though Henge lives for thousands of years in their own rights, they believe that when they pass on they to not a heaven or hell by human standards but a place of supreme intelligence. A place where only the most worth are allowed to enter. They call this great place Interijensu or a plain or forever knowledge where they will continue to learn and thrive long after their bodies parish. Henge do not deny death nor do they fear it, but they look forward to it after a long life. Those however who die unworthy in the eye's of the Henge go to a place called Kutsū or a place of great suffering for all of eternity. Most elder Henge called these two paths by name Interijensu is The Path of Enlightenment and Kutsū The Path of Agony.[/color] [color=black][b]Henge Abilities:[/b][/color] [color=gold]Each Henge is different when it comes to their abilities but there are abilities that each and every Henge are born with. Their first ability is strength, they have extreme strength, having the ability to lift what humans consider impossible such as large boulders or even a an old modern day vehicle with little to no problem. Their second ability is stamina, all Henge have extreme stamina, they are not know for tiring easily if at all, a Henge would have to exert great force on themselves for them to ever be worn out, and by human standards this is an impossible feat. The only known time a Henge has ever been known to lose that much stamina has been during the Rite of Passage. The third ability of the Henge is speed, the Henge are naturally gifted with great speed in human standards they can reach twenty miles and hour with no real problem. The fastest Henge was clocked at fifty miles and hour, but the common speed for a Henge is twenty five to thirty mile per hour. The fourth and final common ability of the Henge is shape shifting which goes without saying. There has never been a Henge which could not shape-shift. Beyond the four common abilities among all Henge there can also be a fifth that a Henge can be born with and in some very rare cases a sixth but this is very rare.[/color] [color=black][b]Shape-Shifting:[/b][/color] [color=gold]It is important to note that shape-shifting can be done by any Henge with the proper training. A henge can shape shift at will whenever they so choose to do so. However there are different degree's of shape-shifting that can be used. Below are the know abilities of shape-shifting. [list] [*]Basic Shifting - This form of shape shifting is the most basic and learned by all at a very young age, it is the ability to take another form. Most often in this form the shifter can not uphold the shape they shift in terms of voice or thought form. They are merely only taking the form and nothing more. [*]Intermediate shifting – This form of shifting is a step above basic and is learned by those who are in their twentieth year of life by human standards. This shifting is more complicated to learn and take much practice to sustain, in this form the shifter will retain the voice and speech patterns of the one they are taking the form of. [*]Advanced shifting – Only learned after the rite of passage this is perhaps one of the hardest shifts to learn for in this form the shifter has the capability to not only copy image voice, and voice pattern but is able to retain memories from the shape they have assumed. This shift requires that the shifter touch the one they are shifting into so they can obtain the knowledge required to sustain the shift and properly use it to its full advantage. [*]Meta-Shifting – Meta shifting is final learned form and the hardest to preform. Many who attempt it fail to do so, only those who have obtained the rank of Soaray can learn this form. This form gives the user the ability to take the users form, voice, patterns and memory without ever touching them. It requires a great deal of concentration, and it can take hours to fully transform.[/list] It is important to note that those who meta-shift can not easily do so if the target they are shifting into has a high degree of mental intelligence. In some cases if the target intelligence is higher then that of the shifters they are unable to perfectly shift into that target. Regarding special powers some Henge are born with abilities that are beyond the normal four abilities as Henge have. The three most common abilities are telekinesis, the ability to read minds, and the ability to retain all information presented to them or in human terms photographic memory. The rarest of the abilities born with are magic only 1 percent of the Henge ever have the ability to preform any kind of magic.[/color] [color=black][b]Henge Laws:[/b][/color] [color=gold]The Henge being a strict race have laws which are upheld at all times by the Master of Discipline all laws result in the same punishment which is death by public execution. Below are the most common Henge laws that all follow even the Hoaray themselves. [list] [*] No Henge shall commit murder of another Henge no matter their standing. [*] No Henge shall steal from another Henge. [*] No Henge shall deny the rite of passage. [*] No Henge shall disrespect those above them in age or hierarchy. [*] No Henge shall deny teaching to either themselves or others. [*] No Henge shall disrespect the sacred tomes. [*] No Henge shall commit treason against any and all Henge. [*] No Henge regardless of rank shall talk of the Rite of passage to outsiders. [*] No Henge shall shift into or impersonate any other Henge.[/list][/color] [b][color=black]Henge Policy:[/color][/b] [color=gold]The Henge are not what you would consider a race of warriors or a race that believes in war. When it comes to the regards of conflicts in places that are not their planet they do not care to intervene or help, and by their own beliefs will not involve themselves if asked, even by those of their own race who decide to leave the planet. The Henge however do have trained militants and are more then capable of defending themselves if the time arises. In terms of Henge leaving their home planet this is an choice given only to those who have become the rank Soaray or higher. It is the choice of the Henge who wishes to leave, but due to the culture, Henge who leave regardless of their position are not allowed to return to Henge on a permanent basis under any circumstances. Any sway they had while on planet, or support is gone the moment they leave the planet. This is to protect their culture from possible infiltrators and so forth. On the topic of other sentient visiting their planet, Henge are have a rather strict policy. Any who enter their planet are immediately apprehended and taken under guard to meet with the Soarya of Discipline where they will present their reasons for coming. If it is of a diplomatic reason then the Hoarya Voice will relay the message to the Hoarya's. Under no circumstances do outsiders ever enter the presence of the Hoarya's and while on planet will be under step by step surveillance. Those who have no legitimate reason to come to planet side will be considered a threat and executed no exceptions.[/color][/hider] [b][color=black]Gender:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Male[/color] [b][color=black]Occupation:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Elder[/color] [b][color=black]Location:[/color][/b] [color=gold]North End[/color] [b][color=black]A Brief History:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Not much is known about Zalek besides the fact that he is one of the oldest serving Elders and that he is constantly protected by two bodyguards. No one knows of where he came from or why, but he is known for his incredible intelligence and his ability to retain information and never lose it. He is also widely know for his cruelty towards those who trespass on him. (I want to keep this intentionally short so I can add his past into the story itself if this is okay.)[/color] [b][color=black]Other:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Zalek has two personal bodyguards that both of Henge race, they were brought with him when he left him home planet. Their names are [url=http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/930808/98932118/stock-photo-muscular-male-portrait-of-ancient-warrior-98932118.jpg]Dagon[/url] and [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11116/111165127/3902252-tumblr_mv450xtfyz1skvbmmo4_1280.png]Srix[/url] both of which take human appearance, both are almost always clad in black Henge clothing. Zalek also has the rare ability of a photographic memory he can retain information and keep it easily.[/color][/center]