Name: Nifelzink Race: Dwarf* Age: 50 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Nifelzink is a short stocky little fellow with a long black beard and bushy eyebrows. He's dressed in practical leather clothing and always carries a little backpack with him holding things he might need on his journeys. His eyes are icy blue, and almost always locked in a thoughtful frown. Personality: Like all dwarves, Nifulzink is quick to anger and judgement. He does however lighten up once he gets some mead in his belly, or hears a good tune. Sometimes, when he thinks noone's around, he speaks to himself. Brief history: The fifth child of his poor parents, there wasn't much for Nifulzink in his family home. Going against his parents wishes, he therefore left it at the age of 25 to seek a better life elsewhere. He's been on the road ever since, searching for a place to call his own. Powers: None. Weapons/Accessories: A small iron broad shortsword in a sheath at his side and a wooden buckler slung across his back. He also has a hunting bow and a quiver with 10 arrows in it. There's a blanket and some stuff for cooking and lighting fires in his backpack. He also brings his flute, which he's made himself, with him wherever he goes. Suggestions: *Dwarves, or Duergar (Duerg) as they call themselves, are short humanoids native to the forests of Aragon. They are usually no more than a meter tall, but make up for that in weight and strength. It is common among dwarves men to grow and tend a bushy beard, while dwarven women are expected to tend their hair in a similar manner. Tradition is very important to the dwarves, and they're very superstitious. They live in small families which are part of bigger clans. Dwarves are famous for their craftmanship, be it smithing, carpenting or masonry, and are very fond of mead and music. They're quick to anger and judge easily, but aren't very keen on violence. A typical dwarf lives to be 150 years old, and counts as an adult at 30. Is this acceptable?