Chloe hummed as if in contemplative thought, once again walking in a overly exaggerated manner, her hands again clapped behind her back.[b] “Oh, you know, whatever it is that they say we mages do in the black of the night,”[/b] Chloe replied to Dante with light hearted evasiveness. [b]“Dancing naked under the moon, blood sacrifices, that kind of thing,”[/b] she said jokingly. She turned to face Nex as he approached her and looked at him with genuine confusion. He was apologising for his actions the previous day, that and anything that his master had said to her during their brief exchange. Chloe really wasn't sure why he was apologising though. Not about that stuff anyway. She waved a hand up and down in a conciliatory manner. [b]“No no no, there's no need to apologise, I had absolutely no intention of actually touching that thing, even though you offered. I already have a master, I can't be apprenticed to two people at once, after all,”[/b] Chloe offered with slightly strained cheer. In truth the book had made her feel ill to look upon. Though this was by no means conclusive evidence she had a feeling that the nature of Nex's magic and her own was incompatible by nature. It had certainly been beyond her ability to influence or control the pages within the tome. But she didn't want to tell him that lest it cause some manner of offence, which made the fact that he had produced a necklace in reconciliation even more awkward. As a token of apology she could readily accept it but if it was an indication of other motives it would only foster misunderstanding. [b]“I don...”[/b] she started to say but hesitated immediately and relented. [b]“Fine, I accept your apology,”[/b] she said as she gingerly took the necklace from Nex. She looked at it for a moment before placing it into her backpack. The monkey had looked as though he had something to say as well but before she could raise the issue the most egocentric of the knightly trio made his move on her. It was her own fault so she had no right to complain. Chloe grinned playfully in response to Kendrick's proposition, neither embarrassed or affronted by his very forward suggestion. She just laughed in amusement as he took her hand in his own. The kiss was a cute gesture but it did little for her. [b]“Well, aren’t you the charming one,”[/b] she said in mock surprise as she turned toward Salazar and smiled at him.