Hey! Im actually looking for a rp buddy myself :D I have to warn you that i dont have much experience rping because i seem to be the unlucky beep that joins rps that die off after a post or 20 x_x Im a diehard fantasy fan so i love anything fantasybased. I also have a love for original rps but i definetly wont mind it too much if its based on something. But i totally agree on tge insane creativity part and i just feel like there is the most freedom in originals :D Then i usually rp straight couples and i do enjoy those, but if you really want yaoi or yuri then im not affraid to try it out :D About smut, we are the same :) i have to be confortable with the person in order to do any of that. Also if i do write smut it has to be right for the charavters too. So no random "homeruns" just because yu feel like writibg something sexy. I actually like to torture my chatacters till they go crazy before even letting them kiss :p (or admit that they like oneanother) Then last but not least i am studying so there might be days where I'll be too busy to actually write. So do keep that in mind if you do choose to rp with me Yeah uhm if you wanna now anything else feel free to ask. Oh id like to add that i wrote this on my (brandnew) phone and i usually do mind capital letters and punctuation better than in this message. Hope to hear from you by pm :)