Catman was glad that they were no longer in that god offal prison and would see some more action. Even before they were informed of their journey to Bialya, he knew where they were going thanks to his great sense of direction and tracking skills. He didn't talk much with his teammates, he hoped that Deathstroke wouldn't be the team leader or the Reverse Flash, both of them were assholes in his opinion. The Flash ripoff was more of douchebag than the one eyed mercenary, but the words that Deathstroke had with Thomas made him dislike him a lot. As for Captain Boomerang and Ravager, he was still on the fence about whether he tolerate them more than the two ego heads. He had to admit that Boomer was pretty funny at times, but his personality could get on his nerves. Rose he was still unsure of what to thing about her, she seemed to have some possible obsession with Deathstroke. It didn't bother him, he use to have a thing with Catwoman but she started chasing after the Bat and Thomas didn't look back. When they finally got a safe house, Amanda Waller was introducing them to the legendary Crime Syndicate of America. Catman had heard of them, they were from another universe and were the evil counterparts to the Justice League. Thomas took an interest in Owlman and wondered if he was more of a formidable force than Batman. He then watched as Deathstroke got into an altercation with the evil counterparts, typical, he jumped the gun. While Capt prepared himself for a fight, Thomas just stood perfectly stood, showing no fear or wariness. When people began to do introductions "My name is Thomas Blake, but you are all to call me Catman" he told them. He then noticed Orm's entrance and Thomas was surprised to see an atlantean joining their team, he thought that they were put in an aquarium. "So is it true that you all talk to fish and that's the only thing you atlanteans can do?" he asked curious to know if what the media thought about Aquaman was true of his people.