Name: Theodore Smith Alias: Thunderer Age: [18] Personality: Sometimes he is overly arrogant, but when and if he decides to use proper ettiquite he's a fairly quiet individual. That said, it's only sometimes, at most he flaunts his ego and intelligence over others. Powers: In his power suit: Super Strength, Limited Flight, Super Durability, Graviton Burst(A special weapon meant to increase gravity up to X5 on an object, it's major drawback is that if it misses he can be affected by it, as well as it having a long cooldown.) Abilities: Genius level intellect, it's how he made his suit. Hero Or Villian: Villain Appearance: First is his civilian appearance, then his 'business suit'. [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Crush: Science Relationship Status:Single Short Bio: Theodore has been a man of science from the ripe young age of 10. He had always expressed his interest in mechanical devices and their parts, his parents had assumed that they had a genius on their hands that would no doubt change the world for the better. They were only half right. While Theo is a boy of science, he has never pondered long on the prospect of helping the world, but instead his mind focuses on what the world can do for him. Quickly realizing his families difference of opinion he quickly moved out into a bunker for his own use, he had hired private engineering firms to create his facility. Realizing he hadn't the funds to purchase parts or equipment he swiftly thought of a solution to all his future problems. Using his genius and love for mechanical devices he created an mechanical exo-suit meant to help him commit crimes. "After all, God only helps those who help themselves!" Other: [b]We Are Young[/b]. Also Is it okay if I make a hero character?