Nem: A diminutive race from the deserts of the south, the Nem resemble small humans, commonly reaching heights of around 3'4-3'5. They are universally pale in skintone, with red or yellow eyes and black hair. Nem males cannot grow facial hair, and as a whole they are small and agile but lacking in physical strength. They are also known for being skilled archers, and wielding curved swords(well, more like daggers to the larger races). Their language lacks an equivalent to the letter "B", and some Nem have trouble pronouncing it as a result. They are nocturnal and possess excellent night vision, but during the day their vision is slightly worse than a human's. They also easily burn their skin in the sun and must wear covering clothing to move during the day. Most Nem live in their desert homes, but there is a sizable number in other lands as well as well. They have an extremely low alcohol tolerance. Nem worship a night goddess known as Ila-Nem. Just the basics about the race for now. ^^;