[center][h3]Humans (WIP, feel free to comment!)[/h3][/center] [center] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/10p3di0.jpg[/IMG][/center] Humans are the most widespread sentient species in the world. They live short lives and are quick to reproduce. The three most important factors in the success of human population are their ability to adapt to the environment, their innovation and their bottomless ambition. Where many other species find themselves suited to one climate or geographic zone, humans thrive everywhere. Humans vary much in appearance and behavior. Depending on where they live, their skin, hair and eye color varies greatly. Adults measure anywhere from below 100cm to nearly 300cm in height and between 30kg and 200kg in weight. Typical humans measure around 150-180cm in height and weigh in at around 50-100kg. Variations in hair growth, limb proportion and other differences are also common. Humans are fairly cosmopolitan as a species and are known to mix and interbreed with other species. They are quick to grasp how other species think and operate and often use this to their advantage. Most human civilizations know how to develop agriculture, work minerals and metals, and domesticate animals. The human species as a whole is divided into many families, groups, clans, and nations. There is no special loyalty between different factions of humans; at times groups of humans can be more loyal to local members of other species than to distant members of their own.