[center][b][u]The Grimoire (WIP)[/u][/b][/center] [b][u]Introduction[/u][/b] Magic is a universal force of nature, a phenomenon so mysterious and powerful that it fills the heart of many with awe. The energies that permeate the multiverse is tied to that of creation, and the inevitable destruction thereof, that is, in reality, uncontrollable. To master its power is to assign yourself to oblivion. It is simply wiser to say that you allow it to move through your body, an extension of your being, independent and must be coerced, not controlled. However, how did magic come to be? What causes it? How can one learn it? Simply put, everthing is born and molded by the Nexus. Even the recently raised dead are bound by it, preserved with artificial life connecting them to the Nexus. To learn how to use it, to employ the elements or the natural energies of one's own body, takes years of training, even with natural talent. The Nexus, born from nothingness and giving birth to all creation, radiates with the multitude of energies used in every day life, from the basis of physics to the metaphysical. We shall begin with the different energies gathered from the Nexus... [hider=Mana] Mana is the external energies of the Nexus. It is taken into the body and is released into a more primal essence, known as spells. However, Mana can be used in more elaborate ways with practice and understanding, and not simply as a primal element. Interestingly enough, the fatigue that comes with its use is due to the consumption of the gathered energy which is thus expended, mentally straining the caster. When too much Mana is taken in, adverse effects occur. Mutations, internal bodily damage, and perhaps worse. When one cannot properly hold and mold the energy, accidents can occur or perhaps nothing will happen, depending on the amount taken in. [/hider] [hider=Chi/Ki] Chi/Ki (depending on culture) is the internal energies of a being, focused upon the unison of body and soul (also known as spirit). Chi/Ki is the result of the Nexus's influence upon creation, being a gift to all life by granting this internal storage of energy. This type of magic is more kinesthetic, and can use the fighting energy of a person to release more focused forms of raw energy. Masters of Chi/Ki are able to use these kinesthetic energies to perform abnormal, superhuman feats. Flight is obtainable as well as the manipulation of the internal energies that flow throughout one's body. Swift movements and powerful punches are also accessible. Those who possess the talent to control their own Chi/Ki are known to be renowned martial artists. [/hider]