[color=00a651]3. [b][i]A New Home Beckons[/i][/b] The condo was not that far from the courthouse, as it lay in the heart of Strip of New Haven. While Kush did groan about the increased traffic that the Strip was infamously known for, they were slowly making headway towards their destination. Rebecca though was gazing out at all the billboards and lights of New Haven Square noticing how similar the city was to New York. As they passed the bustling New Haven Square Kush pulled off on the side of the road toward a VIP parking lot. When the guard at the gate stopped them Kush handed the overweight guard the papers that his father gave him at the courthouse, and whatever it was made the guard merely nod and let them in. Parking was not an issue, and along with two hotel helpers they had their personal luggage in the condo in one trip. Afterwards, there didn’t seem much to do but become acquainted with their new home. -------- It was a luxury condo which Kush and Rebecca were not used to. The front door of the Condo lead to an open sized Common room with a glass window overlooking new Haven Square, a 40 inch HDTV hung on one wall above a fireplace that could be turned on by a small dial, with three couches in U shape facing the TV. On the opposite wall was a various assortment of art pieces, lining just above a small mini bar, which was stocked with a wide variety of soda and liquor. Opposite of the glass window overlooking the city was the kitchen, which was community, two fridges and a deep freezer in between. There was a grill built into the shelf next to the sink with two microwaves and almost any kitchen piece of equipment you could think of. The cupboards were already stocked with some basic spices and cooking supplies, and two dryers and washers lay off on the side of the wall opposite the front door. There were six individual rooms that were split by two hallways that connected to the Common Room. Each room had a Queen-sized bed that basically was it’s own room with closets and a separate bathroom which a big bathtub in each, along with a mini-fridge to boot. Rebecca discovered just behind the opened front door another door, which led to an extensive storage space while Kush in turn found the glass door out to the patio off to the left side of the glass window. Kush made his way past the huge whirlpool spa on the outside patio and leaned out over the railing, his gaze looking out across the New Haven strip. Rebecca had just finished moving into one of the rooms when she noticed her former comrade and went outside as well, joining him in his gaze of the city. Ever since finding out about his mother’s death she hadn’t really known what to say and things were in an uncomfortable silence. Taking a deep breath Rebecca spoke the first words between the two of them since erailer that afternoon in the courthouse, “Why didn’t you tell me your mother died?” To answer her Kush merely shrugged as he looked at her, “It was my business, didn’t seem much reason to tell you as you had yer own troubles.” The former officer scoffed, “Look regardless of the trouble I got into in Utah something like that is … I’m sorry, I just wished you would have told me on the road.” He sighed a bit as he made his way back into the condo, closing the door behind Rebecca as she came in with him. He sat himself down on the couch with Rebecca on the opposite one, “I’ve grieved in my own way Stillwater, anyways another topic though. Are you going to be staying at least for the night? With my father’s cash I think I might have enough to send you back home and get by till he comes back from Texas with this new job in mind.” She looked at him with a studying gaze, her hazel eyes trying to understand his strange attitude. As she looked into his blue eyes she wondered what happened to the passionate Corporal she commanded as a First Lieutenant. He used to take ever lose in their unit very deeply as if they were family, but now with his mother gone Rebecca could see no sign of remorse or loss in his eyes. Having forgotten his question she had to rethink plans seeing oddly enough she was worried for him, would he be alright on his own? Would he do anything drastic to ease the pain, like pick up drinking again or something even worse? She took a deep breath and stood up stretching while saying with a superior tone, “I’ll stay for awhile, though I don’t like getting handouts from others as you know. I’ll earn my keep, wouldn’t say much of me if I had to rely on others now would it?” She looked down to hope to see him flare up in anger at her pompous attitude like he always did, but instead he merely sat on the couch looking out the glass window for a moment. She was about to yell at him but he replied almost as if he wasn’t paying attention to her, “You have a place her Stillwater, I’m gonna turn in for the night. Stay as long as you wish.” With that he stood up and went to the front door, grabbed his duffel bag, made his way into a vacant room, and closed the door behind him. -------------- Rebecca stood there for a moment looking down the Hallway which Kush went and felt an odd shiver go down her spine. She made her way to her room rubbing her shoulders for warmth, “Yep, definitely going to stay her for a while. Damn it’s fraking cold.” As she got inside her room though she muttered aloud, “Well, things could be worse I guess … could be back in Utah with Ivan.” She said taking off her Shirt and looking at the burn marks on her upper necks and arms. With a shiver dismissed the passing misfortunate event and crashed into the waiting bed. --------------- Meanwhile Kushluk had sat himself down on the bed and stared out toward the vacant wall, thinking to himself about the many passing events that had happened all in the spane of a month. Out of the military, returned home, mother died, saw his sister and brother on the plane to this city to be with their dad, meeting Rebecca in Utah, and finally coming here himself … All in the span of six months. He didn’t know personally what he was doing anymore actually; he kept running military cadences in his mind to help him press on with the day as if he had to. To him his mind was still running in his military mindset, and while he grieved for his mother as he did for his slain comrades overseas he didn’t cry for her, as a son should. He realized even after the funeral he hadn’t really mourned for her, he let what pain out he could just to get through the day. That’s all he had been doing, trying to just get through the day without crumbling. Now with Rebecca here he was unconsciously taking her under his protection, and oddly enough other than the usual backtalk she was notorious for he was alright with that. She was his CO in the military, and now the roles had been switched and he smiled a little at the irony. Taking a deep breath the former soldier stood his bulky frame up from the bed; he knew he wasn’t going to get any rest tonight. There was nothing to do tomorrow, no formation, no work around the house that needed to be done, and also the encounter with his father kept running through his mind like a film keeping him wide awake. He grabbed his keys to the Condo, his wallet, Silver Leatherman Knife, his cell phone, and quietly made his way out of the condo so not wake Rebecca. ----------- After taking the elevator down to the main lobby the clerk behind the desk waved at him, “Ahh Mr. Raynor, I trust everything was to your liking ion the Condo? Your father has left you a generous lump sum of cash to do with as you please, so if you ever need anything please just say the word.” He merely said a thank you and headed out the lobby. He tightened his green trench coat around him as the door opener did his job, introducing a smack of cold air to him, “Careful Sir, seems we got a bit of a chill rainstorm tonight.” Kush thanked the man by the name of Bailey on his nametag and made his way outside to the street. Kushluk turned around and made sure to remember the name of the building, which was called “Haven’s Resort”. Easy enough to remember. He still shook his head at the originality of the name but nonetheless he began walking down the sidewalk. Hoping the small stroll would make him tired, he made his way through new Haven Square, stopping to appreciate the attempt the city’s nightlife despite adjusting to his kind. As another chilly gust of wind smacked him he picked a random street, and then letting his feet take him wherever it would take him. He placed the his outdated Ipod earbuds around his ears, and turned up an old tune from his favorite band that he and his father loved, Linkin Park’s New Divide.[/color]