[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e5/3b/1c/e53b1c0d91730b6a74e43f9c2e1d0939.jpg[/img] Name: Fox Ironwall Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Fox is a very arrogant person. She is loyal to no one but herself and she does what she feels she needs to do to survive, even if that means betraying her friends. She is very quiet at times, but when it comes to a heist, she is never afraid to be loud and obnoxious about the score that comes out of it. She never has partners in fear of them betraying her and she always keeps her distance from things like love. She is sometimes a cold person and it is rare for her to do something nice for anyone. History: Fox grew up in this town not knowing her parents. She was dumped on the streets when she was only three years old and was taken in by a group of older kids who wound up feeling bad for her. They all stayed in the same house that she did and they were all thieves, as she grew up to be. She grew up being the baby of the group, always getting the smallest share from any big heist they did and always getting the crumbs of any meal that they could scrape by on. She didn’t mind because they were her family and she loved them like it. That all changed when she found the necklace. A red and black choker necklace with a black diamond on the very front. She saw it and immediately she wanted it. So, in the dead of night, she stole into the house that contained the necklace and she took it for herself. She did not tell the others about it and as soon as she put it on, she began to feel different. She began to feel stronger, quicker, and stealthier all at the same time. She was fourteen at the time and she began to gain more heists, score more dough than any of her friends. And her friends began to get jealous. One night when she was fifteen, they confronted her about what had been going on and they got into a fight. Two of her family was killed and others badly injured, but she walked away unscathed. She knew it was the necklace, and somewhere deep in the back of her mind, she knew she should take it off, but she couldn’t. That necklace was a part of her now and she could not bear to part from it. So, in the dead of night, she went away. She found a new place on her own and stays there now. Abilities: She is great with a bow and arrow and very skilled at hand to hand combat, but when it comes to her, you don’t want to be around her when she’s made and has a throwing knife. The necklace makes her stealthier, so she is more silent and able to blend into shadows and darkness easier. She also seems to know what fight moves a person does before they even make it. Anything extra?: She always has the necklace on. No matter what. She never takes it off.