[color=ed1c24][u]Rules~[/u] 1. No overpowered characters. Everyone must be able to be taken down by something, no matter how skilled they may be 2. If you’re a human who uses pokemon, then you are limited to one legendary. MAYBE two, if I approve it. Don’t want anyone running around going “LOOK AT ME YOU GUYS I’M THE UBER TRAINER WITH ALL LEGENDARIES YOU’LL NEVER BEAT ME AKSAHDSFKJS” 2.5. Expanding on the legendaries thing, players can have 2-3 legendary Pokemon characters in total. I'll only ever bring in more myself for story-based purposes. 3. No meta-gaming to ruin anyone’s fun on purpose. I’m cool with chatting about plot and plans outside of the RP through OOC or PM, but don’t be mean about it. 4. Hold off on the vulgar language, please. I’ll tolerate things like “damn”, “bastard”, and “ass”, but no hard-core cusses if you can help it. (If you really need to, you can always just make up curses, for example: “GO FLUFF YOURSELF!”) [i]These are your rules, but remain aware of the fact that I reserve the right to create more, should it be necessary. I hope it’s not, though. I just want everyone to have fun~![/i][/color]