WIP, i have more but it's in pieces like Wonka Vision so decided not to add it yet. :3 EDIT: 90% complete [hider=Ardent Mage] [center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/5wyu1l.png[/img][/center] [color=#2266aa][h2]Basic[/h2][/color] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Eclipsing Asriyah Noor[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] [indent]Ardent Mages[/indent] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]When one hears of Ardent Mages their minds wander to primal recluses and barbaric self-mutilators. Body modification is certainly a demand for them as it’s essential for their practices. Asriyah Noor has many tattoos running over her arms and legs the colors of charcoal, rust, and ivory. Many of the ink are thick blocks or lines, nothing a traveling passerby would be able to decipher. These symbols would not even look like they stood for anything in particular. Unlike the Arden Warlocks with vicious lacerations her scars are not so thoughtlessly placed. They are brands or scarification in designs that accentuate her form and tell a story. Though appearing a youthful young adult Asriyah Noor is reaching a century, only a mere child among her tribe as there are many spanning double her years. Seldom do they feel the sensation of old age creeping upon them as they stay in peek physical form. Dust and magic a key to their assumed immortality but these tortured souls can and do indeed perish. History periodically recalls times of wondering tribes and how soldiers were unnerved with fighting or killing these children of the wastes, though they were not children at all. These desert people also did not fight like novice adolescents but with great intensity and power, a true sight to behold albeit savage. Aside from applied aesthetics like blood red tribal makeup around her eyes Asriyah Noor is not as tan as the majority of fellow Ardent mages. The desert spell caster does hold a light bronze luster like that of her entrancing crystalline hues. Layers of wavy raven tresses are scattered with ivory strands, and her form is statuesque. Having little need of muscles her figure holds appealing womanly curves. [/indent] [color=#2266aa][h2]Personal[/h2][/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Known as Berserk Warmongers or The Wrathful Spellbound; not particularly flattering names yet they hold truth. Rage fills every inch of Asriyah Noor though no one would be able to detect it until they witnessed her in combat or unless they were expert observers. In spite of their abilities Asriyah Noor and her fellow Mages remain emotionless or stoic on an almost unnerving degree. Saving any energy for magical practices or war they feel as if emotions are wasted stamina. However, Asriyah Noor was also chosen to join the Tribune because of her tolerant and enlightened mind. Unlike many of the Ardent Mages their views will not be altered or changed, and she is more likely to cooperate with the other leaders.[/indent] [b]Goals/Fears:[/b] [indent]Many of the notable leaders who have become infamous for their deeds have left the clan in search of selfish gain. She is afraid of the Nurur’na or curse that will eventually befall her, and that the rage will consume her until she wishes for death or destroys everything in her path. To avoid the stigma of the past she wishes to cleanse their names and hopefully unify the Ardent Mages. Anything she can learn on this journey can and will go towards the betterment of the clan, however, revenge is also an underlining factor. Destroying the Necrophages is her one true desire. Auriga must be preserved if she is to see this happen. [/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]Born a nomadic nobody from a dying clan of Besrani people Asriyah Noor knows the hard labors of poor uncultivated life. Struggling from day to day, wondering if she would ever see adult years due to constant feuds with many usurpers wanting to capture them as slaves. Doomed from the start it was only a matter of time before death was imminent for herself and the tribe, and as foreseen that fateful day approached. Their faction was too feeble, their numbers were too small, and the majority killed off by a rouge group of Necrophages lead by Rot Touch--a horrid play on words of what he was capable of. Night terrors and insomnia were a constant in affect toward the gruesome sights witnessed, children consumed, and injury endured. Asriyah Noor contemplated taking her own life many times but something had ignited along this nightmare, a flame of fury that kept her breathing. Enduring the emotional and physical pain, in hindsight she should give thanks to the Necrophages for building up her tolerance to such suffering, for it came in handy when joining the Ardent Mages.[/indent] [color=#2266aa][h2]Combat/Travel[/h2][/color] [b]Equipment:[/b] [indent]What makes Asriyah Noor an easy target or something to be feared is her lack of weapons and armor. She uses magic both defensively and offensively relying on it heavily for combat situations. [/indent] [list] [*]A nearly pristine double edged polearm accompanies her during travels, hardly used the blades are in excellent shape. [*]A ragged [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=9lk6ir&s=8#.VOal7_nF_go]hood[/url] conceals half her face when traveling. She is blind so nothing can obscure her non-existent sight. Her armor is minimal and not made of impenetrable material. Simple leather, cloth, and a few pieces of metal here and there for aesthetic reasons but otherwise her attire is archaic and obsolete. [*]Pre-made elixirs one in particular for transient sight. This mixture is limited but helps her perceive her surroundings, which will aid her during this journey. Everything is depicted in a wispy blue, like their dust magic. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent]Range fighter with devastating AOE magic & uses incantations, dust magic, and self-mutilation to invoke spells. [/indent] [list] [*][i]Prime:[/i] Most of the Dust that finds its way into the hands--and bodies--of the races of Auriga is but a mere drop in an ocean. Through extreme pain rituals, Ardent Mages can begin to unlock more of these vast untapped resources. [*][i]Inclination:[/i] This branch of Dust magic is focused on bending the will of others. Through such understanding, allies may champion your causes more readily, and enemies will fight with less passion. [*][i]Creation:[/i] By ingesting a unique Dust-concoction that brings on searing pains, Mages can dedicate themselves to the art of awareness, and learn how the mind can overcome the limitations of the body. [*][i]Effortless:[/i] Ardent Mages can more easily manipulate the magic properties of Dust, changing them into powerful spellcasters. [*][i]Restorative:[/i] Ardent Mages are rightly feared for their mastery of the destructive aspects of Dust magic, but it is less well known that intense study of the properties of Dust can lead to curative abilities. [/list] not done yet but i <3 winter. [/hider]