Well this is based on a character I made years ago but never actually had a chance to play. The first power is the ability to transfer other peoples pain to herself and, if she chooses, to other people. She doesn't actually heal the person though, she just takes away their pain. Of course this leaves her in pain herself, which is where the second power comes in. That being peak human conditioning. Sort of like Captain America but not really on that level. My way of thinking is that if she absorbed a lot of pain from someone, it has the potential to send her body into shock and maybe even kill her but the secondary power kind of allows her to stay at least relatively healthy. I see it as a slight healing factor but nowhere near Wolverine level. Plus there's the added benefit of being somewhat faster and tougher than someone her size would normally be. That and the whole pain thing by itself is kind of a downer. I haven't worked this power out entirely yet. It still seems a bit weird, even to me.