[quote=@manapool1] Seemingly turning into a statue the glass eyes glared down at abel with no real touch to the, a sudden burst of energy flung from the masked man as he scooped a pokeball and with lightening speed the thick black cape swiveles in the background as the left foot fell behind. "A match would be invoicing to me, so I accept" Hakobo mummbles in a foreboading manor. Still he was distressed that his name was not known. [/quote] Bouncing backwards on his toes, Abel plucked a marble sized Pokeball from a pouch on his belt. Clicking the object to full size he grinned challengingly. "Glad to hear it." With a nod, Abel's face turned serious, his finger poised to release his partner at any moment. "One pokemon, no switching out. First pokemon to faint loses, a withdrawal counts as a loss and the winner pays for lunch. Sound fair?" Having lost quite a few battles in his short time, Abel liked to treat those he beat to food to boost their spirits. That and if he lost he still technically won.