[color=00a651]5. [i][b]A New Companion, the Blue-haired Raven[/b][/i] He grumbled a bit, his tune being interrupted by the strangely dressed woman, even more so that he didn't really like the french greeting she gave. But despite his demeanor toward a genre of people it would be like him saying he hated all Mutants .. so he couldn't rightly hate this woman if she was french. Looking down at the shivering woman Kushluk finally let out a small chuckle, "New to the city eh?" The woman ran a hand through her long blue hair, "Of course I am," she replied, her french accent not as heavy as one would think, "It's not like I enjoy wandering around in the rain." He groaned a bit seeing that his heart was sympathetic to this woman, but finally he shrugged, "Alright fine, here you go." Taking off his trench coat he held it front of him, "Yer gonna catch a damn cold if you don't at least cover yerself up." he said as he offered his trench coat to her. She looked at the coat he offered her, a bit skeptical at first, but she slowly reached her hand out to take it. "Thank you," she said in a softer tone as she slowly slipped it on, finding that it warmed her up almost immediately, "I will return it to you once I reach the motel... that is if you do not mind showing me where it is." The man smiled a little and gave a shrug, "Honestly I'm new to this place meself, but I'll tell you what. If you got nowhere else to stay, and honestly I can't believe I'm *bleep*ing saying this to someone I just met ... but you can stay with me and my lady friend for the night." With that He led her off under a sign to escape the rain Once in shelter he continued, "It's a condo in New Haven Square so you can get yer own room, and plus if you just came here it's a good place to relax until you get a job or whatnot. If you aren't comfortable with that I can treat you to dinner and then I'll walk you to the next motel we find. And also I'm doing this for an unknown person as well ... I must be an damned moron indeed. My name's Kushluk Von Raynor." he said finishing and holding out his hand in a greeting gesture. Alanis looked at his hand for a moment before accepting it in a shy way, her grip strong for a female her age. "My name is Alanis Cosette," she replied before leaning up and kissing him on both cheeks which was customary where she was from, "And I thank you very much for the offer... I think I will accept, at least until I get on my own two feet." Kushluk stood there for a moment at the strange woman and then shook his head laughing, "Yep yer definitely French alright ...historically I dislike the French honestly. But hell I guess you are just a normal person after all eh?" She looked at him before casting her eyes away, an almost depressing aura starting to surround her. "It depends on what your views on normal are," she said softly, ever since she had gotten over the Paige disease she never thought herself normal and when her father had kicked her out of the only home she ever knew. In her eyes, she was an outcast to society and an unwanted waste of space. For Kush though he merely waved his hand down the sidewalk toward a brighter section of the city, "I think in this city everyone has something they are not willing to say about themselves, but just know I'm more than I appear." To that Alanis smiled a bit,"I guess so am I in that regard." Kushluk laughed out loud, "Well I'm glad we understand one another milady ... they still say milady over in France right?" "I no longer have a title," she said simply, "Alanis is fine with me. I rather not have any ties to the man who sired me anyway... after all... it's his fault I'm in the mess I am in now. I could never understand why someone would disown their.... umm... nevermind, forget I said any of that... just... call me Alanis ok?" To that the former soldier nodded, "Don't worry lass, yer business is yer business as we say in good ole Texas. While I'm a bit curious though I ain't gonna pry into ya about, seems clear it's not a good topic anyways." With that he walked alongside his new french friend as they made their way through the rest of Downtown.[/color]