[b]Ventium, capital city[/b] Lon Fen arrived in Ventium with relatively little fanfare, having only himself and a handful of attendants with him. The telegram from the Tsar had caught the eye of Chancellor Zhan Arika and others. Here perhaps was a way for Xulao to develop its infrastructure and gain the respect of other nations. But there would be negotiation required before they could accept the Tsar's offer. Points needed to be clarified and intentions judged, and that was Lon Fen's job. The middle-aged man wore the traditional priestly garb of his people: long robes embroidered in green, he rapidly graying hair tied into a tight knot atop his head. Behind him was his new assistant (his last one having been promoted) and a bodyguard. He knew this particular woman; she had fought in several engagements he had been part of, and was by all accounts a seasoned veteran of warfare. Unfortunately she was still not seasoned at wearing her new uniform, and distracted herself by letting her eyes constantly wander. "Remember, do not speak unless spoken to during our audience with the Tsar." He chided both of them. "This appointment is essential to the future of Xulao, and we must make sure to maintain all proper decorum during it." "Of course, sir." The assistant answered prettily, while the other woman more grumbled it. ------------- [b]Naarden, Naarden Peninsula, NFRU[/b] “It is an honor to meet you, Lieutenant Proletariat-General. I am Zho Czinya, handmaiden of empress Cyzin Ao.” She returned the bow with the impeccable form that only an official handmaiden could, every muscle and movement carefully controlled and measured. And it was not just her movements that were refined; every aspect of her appearance and manner was obviously the subject of meticulous control: from the styles and colors of her green-and-red robe and her carefully chosen accessories of gold and gemstones, to the very slight but formal accent of her speech. She paused just long enough for the crowd to take in the sight. A gentle smile as the cameras flashed. Behind her were several ministers, lackies and guards – a full diplomatic envoy. Xulao was not yet comfortable sending its leaders about without protection, even in the NFRU. They were still prime targets for Irodein agents. “I would be honored to accept your offer. There is much to speak of and little time to do so. Let us be on our way.”