[h2]The Bestiary[/h2] Here is where I shall store all products which are either finished or still a working a progress. Requested animals will specifically be listed as Requested by (Insert Name Here). [hider=Angor] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/d72e8718df92a61180974096d7e1ec9b/tumblr_ncslnbt5x11tv3g49o1_250.jpg[/img][/center] These massive creatures stand at about twelve to fifteen feet in height and span a length, from rear end to snout, of about twelve feet. Their thickest part, the chest, has a measured length of eight feet. The Angor is known only to every eat vegetables and be peaceful but will occasionally gore people when they feel threatened. Usually, the victims will die from the severe wounds caused by its massive horns which can span a total width of fifteen feet. Often, the Angor has been spoken of as a 'Forest Guide' due to its nature of leading those who are lost in the forests out. The Angor is a dying breed for their population has dropped from a former amount of fifty thousand to only fifteen thousand. Their horns are very tough and can be either made into bone weapons, furniture, or be sold as carvings. [/hider] [hider=Bikura] [center][img]http://i.neoseeker.com/ca/heroes_of_ruin_conceptart_X7ILD.jpg[/img] Requested by VitaVitaAR[/center] The Bikura is a large, carnivorous crab like creature which lives in deserts far in wide. These crabs span a total distance, from one leg to the other, of two feet across and are well known for a sack of water which is located just to the right of its heart. A male Bikura can stand at a total height of three feet while weighing a good fifty to seventy pounds. The large left claw is often used to smash its prey or block arrows from would be assailants. Once the Bikura has its prey, it will eat it whole and move on to the next bit of food it can get. Amazingly enough, Bikuras are capable of going a good week without eating but will engorge themselves when they are given the chance. The Bikura is known to burrow into the sand at night and occasionally can be seen digging into the sand in hopes of finding water hidden in pockets beneath which they would then consume. [/hider] [hider=Canopy Forests and Lux Trees] [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1865802-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] These closed off forests are often dark with the exception of Lux trees. A lux tree produces fruit which is both sweet and bitter but emit a light which is bright enough to light the entire area around the tree. These trees take three decades to grow from a seed to a young sapling. After a century, a Lux Tree is officially an adult and will start producing the lux fruit. Once picked, a lux fruit will decay slowly and, after about a day, shall no longer produce light. The fruit of the Lux tree can be fermented to form a sort of alcoholic beverage which is very potent. The forests which a Lux tree grows in are often very dangerous and filled with wild life which uses the darkness as their habitat. [/hider] [hider=Seasonally Flooded Forests] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/87/cc/9687cc161c2bbfb2d9559deaec9b296a.jpg[/img][[/center] These low-lying forests flood almost every spring and, when the tide ebbs away, the ground is covered in the new life of flowers. The Trees in these forests have adapted to the flooding by having their trunks either out of the water or deep enough roots to resist the removal of sediment. The people who live in these forests of building their houses and other structures on pillars to keep them from being washed away. The heavy rains in the spring might make these forests look like a bleak place but it is not rare to see the sun shine while it rains. The forests after the rains explode with vibrant colors of flowers and birds who have flown in. [/hider] [hider=Other Forests] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/302260-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] These forests are just like regular forests you would see in real life. The trees vary in shapes in the sizes. The animal life is generally full of small birds and the occasional deer or Angor through out the forests. [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120306/fantasy%20forest%201500x884%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_1.jpg[/img] Look at the above. Same applies with the exception of the trees generally being smaller in size. [hider=Sparse Forest][img]http://wallpapers-3d.ru/sstorage/53/2011/08/image_531408112242229437408.jpg[/img][/hider] Really sparse northern forests. Few trees grow in these forests and the only animals which live here are the occasional fox, owl, and hawk. [/hider] [hider=Mother Tree and Forest Spirits] [hider=Mother Tree][img]http://wallpoper.com/images/00/42/58/06/trees-fantasy_00425806.jpg[/img][/hider] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/63fccd6fcff4e37cb4718d7004083538/tumblr_n697w2e4lT1sn3ne4o1_500.jpg[/img] [hider=Forest Guardian][img]http://wallpaperswiki.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Fantasy-Animal.jpg[/img][/hider] There are three important parts which exist in each and every forest across the world. The first and most important part is the Mother Tree, a Tree larger than all the others in the forest and much older. This tree is believed to be the heart of the forest and as long as it lives so shall the forest around it. These ancient trees, if killed, will more than likely kill the forest with it. That is why there is a forest guardian. Each forest guardian takes a form specific to the forest itself. It is the job of each guardian to watch over all those who take from the forest and make sure they don't take too much. The Forest Spirit on the other hand is the manifested will of the Mother Tree itself. This spirit almost always will be passive to adventurers and will only show itself to those who are pure of heart and true of will. Should the spirit feel that it is threatened, it will act against the assailant. In no means is it a good idea to fight a Forest Guardian or Spirit. [/hider] [hider=Bog Forests] [hider=Bog Forest][img]http://i.imgur.com/3tAH8L1.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Light Lilly Pad][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/287/8/2/fantasy_plant_by_veldor60-d6qgthe.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Vintus][img]http://www.paperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130317/fantasy%20plants%20fantasy%20art%20swamps%20swamp%20thing%201920x1200%20wallpaper_www.paperhi.com_1.jpg[/img][/hider] These bog forests are well known around the tidal area and low lands near seas or lakes. These bog forests are almost always flooded and, as a result of the flooding, the trees in these forests have adapted to have roots which cling tightly to the ground and absorb only the amount of water they require. Often times, these forests are rather dark and one of the sparse patches of light are lily pads which release a phosphorescent spore into the air every night. Often times, these spores will float across the surface but rarely actually pollenate. Yet, there is both danger and beauty in these bogs. There are monsters, commonly known a Vinus. A Vinus is basically a living plant which takes the form of a large flower as a trap for its prey. When the prey comes close, the Vinus will pop out of hiding and crush the prey with its long, root-like vines. The Vinus then consumes the prey and goes back into its flower state. [/hider] [hider=Lantern Plants] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ijBk431.jpg[/img] These lantern-like plants seemingly grow only near salt water sources. The spindly trunks of these plants grow towards the setting sun no matter where they are planted. The branches of the Lantern Plants develop fruit which holds fist sized seeds. The fruit it self is rather tart but filling and can be full of enough water to fill two quarts if properly squeezed. For some reason, cutting open the fruit produces such a pungent smell which disgusts bugs but is sweet smelling to fish. [/hider] [hider=Glow Flowers] [hider=Glow Flower 1][img]http://st.gdefon.com/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/368560_flower_beauty_macro_fantasy_colour_2048x1113_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Glow Flower 2][img]http://cdn7.staztic.com/app/a/2029/2029808/3d-fantasy-flowers-lwp-109662-3-s-307x512.jpg[/img][/hider] These phosphorescent flowers glow in darkness and at night. Their beauty is only matched by their poisonous excretions. The flowers produce a very nasty paralytic toxin which, if applied to the skin will causes numbness and then lack of feeling in the contact zone. Should the toxin go directly to the blood, it is possible that the agent can paralyze the muscles of the heart and cause the victim to die. These flowers often have their entire self, from petal to petal, covered by a small bubble of air which is kept in place by a see through membrane. [/hider] [hider=Yuginara] [img]http://i.imgur.com/73wEgQ7.jpg[/img] The Yuginara is by far one of the most fierce monster which dwells on the savanna. This creature is born with a small, yet rock hard, crest running from its snout to the very back of the neck, just before the creature's shoulder blades. Occasionally the yuginara can crack or even shatter the horn but it will grow back in a few months to a year at the most. The teeth of a yuginara are extremely sharp and generally have two long teeth which are separated by two other teeth at the top front of the jaw. A yuginara could crush bone and break through metal should it be able to get its jaw around its prey. The average yuginara can reach a max of a horse while an alpha can stand taller than a horse by six or seven inches. The Yuginara is a long distance running animal and, though it can not move very quickly, it can run for miles on top of miles. These large beasts are best on open plains though they are certainly capable of traversing mountainous terrain. Being a very hostile animal, a yuginara is very difficult to tame. Yet, taming a yuginara can be a very fruitful endeavor which will lead to a life long friend and all around ally for the rider. A yuginara will produce a litter of four to five pups of which only two are likely to live to adult hood. [/hider] [hider=Dragons] [hider=Dragons Pictures] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cWTcCF7.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tYRfrFl.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/wGt9HfA.jpg[/img] [/hider] Dragons count themselves among the most ancient races in the entire world. But, they are also the rarest race in the entire world. Their numbers have gradually decreased over centuries of hunting due to the reckless rampages of their mimicking cousins the Drakes. These creatures are one of the largest beings the entire world with wing spawns of forty feet for a newly adult dragon while the oldest of dragons can sometimes have wing spans which reach a eighty to a hundred feet. Though large, a dragon can be surprisingly light weight with an adult dragon ranging anywhere from eight hundred to a thousand and five hundred pounds. Just as humans vary in skin color and hair color, dragons vary in scale color. It use to be common to see Red or Golden color dragons but they were the first to be hunted down. Now Reds and Golds are rare scale colors for they stand out the most in landscapes. As caused by natural selection, it has turned out the the colors of white, brown, green, blue, and grey are now the predominant color among dragons. The greys, unlike their other brethren, have no scales and instead rely on their agile bodies to out maneuver both prey and predator alike. Dragons are unique in their stages of life. There are three in total: hatchling, wyrmling, and adult. A hatchling is a recently hatched dragon or a dragon which has yet to develop its breath. Often a hatchling will stay a hatchling for anywhere from a year to three years. Once a hatchling develop's its breath, which is generally unique to the dragon itself, it becomes a wyrmling. The wyrmling can be one of the longest stages in the life of a dragon as it can generally vary anywhere from twenty five to a hundred years. A wyrmling is officially an adult when its wings are fully developed. Often, the wings will start out as small bumps along the back of the wyrmling which will grow over a few months time. By the end of the growing cycle, the wyrmling will feel the urge to break open the fluid filled pockets of skin and let their wings out to dry. With its wings free, the newly adult dragon will feel the urge to consume a large amount of meat. The Adult dragon will then travel many months to find a mate and cave of their own to raise their eggs in. At this point in a dragon's life, the dragon will simply reach a point where their only goal is to survive and make sure their children survive. Yet, there are certain dragons who don't settle down simply because of the fact that they prefer the life of adventure. These dragon's are almost always on the move and rarely stay in one place. What makes a dragon unique is their ability to learn like humans, elves, and dwarves. A dragon can learn languages and eventually learn to read. [b]Breaths:[/b] A hatchling is no longer a hatchling when he/she earns his breath. A breath will vary from dragon to dragon. Sometimes a dragon may breath flame like a person would normally find. Occasionally, a dragon can spit acid out instead. A wyrmlings breath varies on the way their young life went. A hatchling which is raised through the heat of battle will develop either a flame breath or acidic breath. A hatchling which is raised alone, on the other hand, could develop a breath of icy cold wind or fearsome lightning. Though most races try and reason that a Dragon's breath is truly made in its body, the true way a dragon forms its breath is magical. A dragon is attached to the nexus in a sort of way. When a dragon dies, it is as if a chunk of mana is flowing back into nexus. Some theories state that dragons are originally manifested from the nexus itself while others suggest that the Gods created dragons to protect the races of Olor. The Breath of a dragon is what makes a dragon unique. Unlike a drake, which can only breath fire, a dragon's breath will vary from dragon to dragon. While one dragon can breathe freezing gales of wind, another could breathe gushing water. [b]Scales:[/b] A dragon is born with scales, excluding greys of course. A dragon's scales are strong by nature and vary from white to black and all that is in between. Yet, a dragon requires to feed on metals to maintain the strength and shine of their scales. The more metal a dragon eats, the harder their scales are. A well fed dragon will have scales which are hard enough to take several hits from a spear before it would break. Eaten metal also causes the dragon's scales to regrow healthier than before. While most dragons will be happen to eat any metal they find, a grey will not feel the urge to consume the metal they find. Greys are born without scales but are far more agile and capable of blending into stone. [/hider] [hider=Undead Dragons] [hider=Wyrm] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZTELa0o.jpg[/img] Every now and then a dragon's will to live after its death causes it to go down the path of the Undead. These Wyrms, as they are called, are the physical manifestation of an undead dragon. The partially decayed or sometimes bare bone bodies of a wyrm are basically frozen in time. Once the wyrm takes over the body, the decay slows down to such a crawl that it is negligible. A Wyrm will almost always have a breath as cold as ice no matter what its breath was when it was living. The Wyrm acts only on instinct but does not feel the need to eat food. Instead, the Wyrm will spend its days in the mountains or caves and will only attack if they are threatened. Yet, occasionally the memory of its past life will cause the Wyrm to attack any and all living beings. There is the rare occasion that a wyrm will instead manifest itself in a more sentient form. [/hider] [hider=Dracolich] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/237/e/0/undead_dragon_gif_by_soulaire-d6jqmbs.jpg[/img] There is only one other kind of undead dragon in the entire world, the dracolich. A Dracolich is by far the most dangerous kind of dragon in the world. This dragon has, in some way, been able to extend its life to the point where it is capable of holding on to its body even after death. This often undead beast, unlike its wyrm brethren, acts only on its own thoughts. A dracolich will keep its breath even after its body has long decayed to nothing but tendons. This makes the dracolich even more dangerous that its wyrm counter part. It is rare to see a dracolich for the knowledge to extending one's natural life seems to have been lost many eons ago. The only way to kill a dracolich is to destroy its body and soul. Should one only destroy the body, the dracolich can move on to another nearby vessel of both a dead dragon or dead drake. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Drakes] [hider=Drake Pictures] [img]http://p1.pichost.me/640/32/1553829.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EtSLpxs.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O46d5L8.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Zqwr9XZ.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XSh5eif.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/345/a/2/the_day_of_the_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4isbmz.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/108/9/8/dragon_migration_by_churro818-d626hx5.jpg[/img] [/hider] The drakes are distant cousins to dragons at the best, unrelated mimics at the worst. The Drake life cycle flows quite the same way a dragon's does except their lives are far shorter and their breath is far weaker. The Drake tries to mimic the dragon so as to avoid being preyed on by predators across the world. An adult drake may look like a dragon yet, they are smaller. Where an adult dragon can have a forty feet wingspan, the drake will only have a wingspan of twenty-five to thirty feet when their wings are fully developed. The average drake will weigh six hundred to a thousand pounds at the most. Yet, there are some easier ways to tell a drake is not a dragon. Though a drake can learn like a dragon can, the majority of drakes are feral and thus act only on the need to survive. Drakes are far more aggressive than dragons and will often attack any settlement which is in its territory. Drakes will very greatly in appearance. It is believed that there are around fifty thousand drakes living in the world. [/hider] [hider=Leviathan] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1408190-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] The Leviathan is basically a living storm. A creature born from the nexus itself, the leviathan moves through to world and brings with it powerful thunderstorms and heavy rain. There is only ever one Leviathan in the world at a time and the Leviathan is a docile creature which travels with the wind. Despite its massive size, the leviathan is actually very light. The Leviathan, though never actually a recorded fact, is large than a ancient dragon. It is unknown what the Leviathan would do if it was attacked for no person has ever been able to reach the Leviathan or actually find it. [/hider] [hider=Bailous] [img]http://www.kotll.com/srd3.5/img/MonstersT-Z.Tendriculos.jpg[/img] The Bailous is a creature born from plants which have been mutated by trace magic. This creature is created when there is a concentration of residual magic left over from magical use. The residual magic mutants the plants and, if there is enough present, create the Bailous. A Bailous is loosely kept together by a sort of slime which covers its root or vine like limbs. The bailous is dangerous for it an grow larger and larger as it consumes more plant matter and living creatures. Yet, a Bailous is easy to kill due to its slow movements and weakness to fire. [/hider] [hider=Griffins] [center][h3]Griffin[/h3][/center] [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2nlelpg.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]The Griffin[/b] is a creature usually found on grassy plains across the world. It has the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion. It is similar in size to the latter. Griffins are highly territorial and aggressive top-predators and are as such not afraid to attack anything. They live in families of up to twelve individuals, usually housing only one male per family. The Griffin becomes mature at three years of age, and can live for as long as twenty. Griffin feathers are a much sought after trade commodity, as it is believed to be a charm for good luck in some cultures. [/hider]