Name: Serena Ross Age: 19 Personality: Cruel to a humorous point, In most cases she would be cruel and destructive and trying to have fun with her powers, but not harmful to the innocent, however if pushed over the edge her naturally insane nature would take over. Powers: Yellow Lantern Ring Powers Abilities: Infrared vision, numbing agent in her saliva, impervious to toxins, regenerative abilities, Hero Or Villain: Villain Appearance: [img][/img] Crush: None Relationship Status: None Short Bio: Serena was a part of her home worlds first, deep space exploration team, she was their doctor and medic. Her race are a powerful and intelligent species of humanoid reptiles closely related to the snakes on earth. Mission codename: Bright Future, was supposed to go without a hitch, they never could have known they were flying with a deranged sociopath...they were 8 months into their journey when they encountered a dead ship emitting a distress beacon. The captain of the ship Serena was on gave the order to dock and begin a sweep for survivors and an investigation as to what stopped the ship. Serena who had been planning the horrible downfall of her crew, to return to her home planet the lone survivor of some chemical outbreak from a pit stop on some uncharted planet, was now forced to wait yet again, only what came next, one could only describe as true terror, there had been something on the other ship, something that had killed its entire crew. She and her team weren't ready, the creature was coldblooded like them and moved in pure darkness, whatever it was, one by one it slaughtered her entire crew until, Serena scared and alone and covered in her captains blood decided that she wasn't going to die in her fear, so she started hunting the creature herself moving silently between the two ships for weeks until finally she tricked the damn thing into the airlock and smirked as space froze and killed the creature a look of terror in its eyes. This was it! This feeling was what she had been searching for! The fear in the creatures eyes as it realized that she had been hunting it all along! It was rapture and it was then she received her yellow ring. Other: We Are Young.