Leiko smiled slightly as Mario-sensei praised her explanation about chakra control and fuinjutsu. Even though she often heard words of praise at home, she know most ig not all of them were faked. It felt good to hear some, even minor ones, that were really meant and not faked. Her smile sligthly grew as she heard them, but it quickl faltered as the next sentence was uttered. "Nani?" Leiko muttered, she didn't expect she would have to start at the begning. "Ano, Mario-sensei, what will I be doing to start out with then?" She asked after she composed herself a bit. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she feared. Leiko looked at the painting with a slightly odd look, she liked the fact that she wasn't in it, as she had feared in the bgenning. "I like it, especially how minimalistic it is." She said we a slight smile as she observed the painting.