[h3]Cathacia, Arcadia[/h3] The doctor listened intently to the tale. Upon hearing mention the Romans, she took note mentally not to mention their presence in the capital and in orbit above the planet. Once the Abh was done, the doctor responded. "That is indeed quite the story. I do wish to ask, are you a high ranking officer among your people? You mentioned being on the bridge of an imperial flagship. If so, I apologize for any curtsies I was unaware of. If you would allow it, I'd like a true ambassador to come see you. While I'm sure you could make the journey to the capital after perhaps a day or two of rest, it will be far more beneficial to bring someone here. We already informed the capital of your arrival, there should be an ambassador ready to meet you soon. Until then I recommend you stay in bed here. It will speed up your recovery if you remain immobile. Anything you need will be brought to you, you need only to ask." [h3]Dullahan, High Orbit[/h3] General Silvad watched the invading xenos Rush aboard the ship, slowly overwhelming those defending it. The space battle wasn't going much better, the friendly fleet outnumbered massively even with the assistance of the Dullahan defense fleet. With the number of drones in the space combat, a launch of the Valkyrie was not an option. Instead, messages were quickly relayed to the Roa'marii fleet to send reinforcements. In the meantime, it was the general's duty to protect those she could and help repel the invading masses. She replaced her helmet on her head and opened her wings, their faint blue glow appearing once more. As she advanced towards the invaders, the xenos defending were panicking, their discipline breaking from the berserkers' onslaught. The general's eyes met one of those guarding her, her eyes filled with fear. As the Tayt spoke, the blast doors shuddered from the attempts to get through it. Suddenly, the doors buckled and were forced open, only to unleash the fury of blades that waited behind them. The general leapt into action as soon as an opening was made, the valkyrie with her doing the same. Their wing blades flashed as they sliced through those immediately near the door. Most valkyrie flew upwards, hanging above the invading xenos and gunning them down from above. The general was not among them. She had pulled out her dual blades which, along with those on her wings, flew faster than eyes could follow, slicing through flesh and armor as if it wasn't there. The dark metal shined in the crimson blood that coated it. Unseen beneath her helmet, the general had a wide grin on her face, eyes glowing, magic fueling her and causing her to move even faster than she normally could. Moments later, the defenders began to fight back, the valkerie's fury raising their moral and giving them hope of repelling those that had nearly broken them just seconds before. However, the influx of invaders never ceased, and still they came.