Heloise rolled her eyes, let Ned get a little bit ahead, before running, soon having caught up with Ned, and surpassing him. Her long legs ate the ground quickly, and her, Heloise knew she could succeed. She had always been excellent at running, and in fact had run everyday of her life since she was 12,except when her mother got sick. ------ Again, a shrug for the camera as if it were nothing. "Anyone can run. Not that hard" she never quite looked the camera in the eye, or lens really. --------- She was still careful of any diversion or trap, but focused on the buildings Ned had seen. While she was concerned about the others, she would always be trying to win this. When she reached the camp grounds, she went to where she was supposed to. She slowed and stopped and then said "well, that was fun. I'm going to go find the others now before they get themselves killed or lost" She walked out of the camp grounds once more, going the way she had gone first up. "Anyone? We've found the camp grounds!" -------- "Just because we are in contest doesn't mean I want people to get hurt" she said softly, briefly, fleetingly looking at the lens. "And I might actually be on a team with some of these guys...so better to be nice." ---------- She called out for them, got any of the others that hadn't been following Ned.