I'll post mine too, for funzies. I was writing mine when I saw the ratman CS, lol. [hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] Saha Thulaja Era [b]Race:[/b] Naga [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Occupation:[/b] Wanderer/Mercenary [b][u]Personality/Interests[/u][/b] Does whatever it takes to accomplish the goal. Conquering. Still calibrating her moral compass. Is protective of herself and puts herself first as her species is wont to do when they're single. Solemn, wary of strangers. Jovial among friends. Nagas are immune to alcohol, so Saha has never been drunk, but she does drink a large amount and pretend like she is. Lust rather than love at her young age, swings both ways. Loves music, a good dancer. Not a fan of vegetables. Animals, esp prey types, don’t warm up to her easily. [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b][u]Details[/u][/b] [i]Body build:[/i] Fit, very toned [i]Hair:[/i] Long, to chest; tied up [i]Hair color:[/i] Black [i]Skin color:[/i] Tan [i]Eye/Iris color:[/i] Yellow eyes with round black pupils [i]Height/Weight:[/i] 5’10” i.e 178cm, 154lbs i.e 70kg [i]Notable Features:[/i] Her skin is lightly scaled and feels a little cold and snake-y to the touch. It is shed twice a year in seclusion. She has small sharp teeth and two dangerous fangs that eject venom, although her tongue and jaws are like a regular human’s and she speaks without sibilant. Wears a cloak and hood generally for many species don’t seem welcoming of her kind. [b][u]Clothing Description[/u][/b] Light armor. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] (More) healing and (less) mana potions. Astika’s Bracelet: charmed and bound to her arm for a one-time use to heal a deathly injury. [b][u]Weapon(s)[/u][/b] A well-made steel blade and a dagger. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] (Innate talents that are "abnormal" and not considered to be “magical") Venomous fangs that inject neurotoxins and cause severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness, paralysis and coma; can spit the venom too for lesser effects; using their fangs in a fight is considered undignified and shameful for a Naga warrior but it’s fine to coat their swords in their own venom. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] (Traits commonly found in only your race) High dexterity and reflexive speed. Nagas have normal eyesight like a human but are better at sensing movements near or far. In battle, in addition to their vision, they breathe through their mouths to rely on their Jacobson’s organ that gives them a sharper and more instantaneous idea of the situation. Longevity: 200-300 years of living, and so age slower and heal faster than a human. They tend to begin settling down in the later half of their first century. [b][u]Talents[/u][/b] (Natural strengths developed by years of training) Close combat. Stealth. Saha is more patient with and approachable to animals than most other Nagas. She spent a lot of time in the forests learning how to make herself likeable to them when she lived with her parents. [b][u]Magic[/u][/b] (What school(s) of magic are you trained in?; if applicable) Nature magic: moving the earth, grass, whipping up the wind etc, all to surprise, destabilise and give her an edge over the enemy in battle. [/hider]