[quote=@Forsythe] Guys I don't mean to come out as a prick or to point at specific people, there are many scattered over the guild that do this and I've caught this sickness and am guilty of doing this myself on occasions, but it can get kinda infuriating the longer these segments get. Have you ever seen something like that in a book? XD [quote=@Agent B52] "No you still have time, But some guy just wrecked everything that was on the table we were at, so you might wanna take an umbrella or something. The place is minutes form a food fight. Unless you're happy with vending machines. I'll treat you! Need to go get a new carton anyway." Diamond offered. “Thank you but I will take my chances. Vending machine food is not really my idea of a filling lunch.” Marcus said as he scanned the crowd. It seemed that for now the imminent crisis was averted. [/quote] Do you think it would be possible to write in a way that would not make me read some PARAGRAPHS twice? XD consider this: [quote] When Diamond warned him about the mess in the food court, Marcus scanned the crowd. “Thank you but I will take my chances. Vending machine food is not really my idea of a filling lunch.” he said as it seemed that for now the imminent crisis was averted. [/quote] Isn't that a bit more comfortable to read? [/quote] I had my doubts about that segment. Thank you for taking the time to actually critique my post.