It hadn't been long before both Enasi and Rue had dozed off in their comfortable silence. Rue tried his hardest to stay awake, but he ended up falling asleep. Enasi had laughed lightly, watching the young dream struggle to stay awake only for him to pass out. As for Enasi, he debated if he wanted to spend time in the darkness of his mind. However with his lack of energy and the drugs he was injected with from before he couldn't help but get comfortable and fall asleep as well. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Things were finally coming to a relaxing pace and settling down. Even the bits of negative energy from his guardian had died down. [i]’Maybe I won’t get gray fur before I’m old.[/i] He gave a soft, short laugh to himself, letting his ears droop down a little. Things were falling back the way they should’ve been, almost as if nothing happened. . . Almost. With a soft sigh, Harper patted down the tufts of fur on top of his head and used his other hand to knock on the door. There was a sound from the other side of the door and the large rabbit pushed it open to see Crios scribbling away on sheets of paper. “You should really try taking a break sometimes. I'm sure Cho would be more than willing to take you away again." He chuckled, referring to when Crios and the chef last left together to be alone. This caused the writing to stop rather abruptly, and for the fox doctor to clear his throat. “What do you want [i]Cotton[/i]?” Now, it was Crios who had the smirk. He knew just how much Harper despised the nickname, which was the perfect reason to use it. The calm air Harper brought did feel nice, he had to admit. And with even Harper being calm, that had to be a sign of something well. Crios shifted the paper to the side, knowing it was just busy work for himself. He had the best staff in the realm and everything was up to date. Only minor things really needed his attention, and that could wait. “Oh, just,” Harper paused, counting down a few seconds in his head. [i]’Times up Night.’[/i] “Just that you have a wandering patient. He wouldn’t listen to me, but he shouldn’t be too far from his room.” This made Crios’ ears twitch. Obviously, it wasn’t Lord Enasi who was to be worried about. If that was the case, Harper would have already escorted him back to his room, or at least stayed by his side. Of course it was Seishu who had to strain his injuries and make his job just a bit more challenging almost every day. “But don’t worry, Lord Enasi is still in his room.” Harper chuckled again and watched as the fox doctor sighed. Well, at least the paper work could wait. “Of course he wandered off. Of course he did.” Crios shook his head and grabbed his travel first aid. Both males walked out of the office and Harper pointed him in the direction Seishu hobbled off to. While Crios hurried to find him, Harper walked into Enasi’s room to check on the guardian. He softened a little to see Enasi asleep with Inui and Rue on either side of him and Rasha on top of him. He looked comfortable, however Harper gave a soft sigh, unsure of how peaceful he was. With him sleeping without his counterpart, it was still a bit unsettling to know of the dark void he was succumbed to. The rabbit decided not to dwell on it too much and walked out of the room in order to take a stroll. He hadn’t done so in a long while, so he decided to take the opportunity. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Crios followed the path Harper directed him to. After a few turns, he became rather confused as to why he had not caught up with Seishu. The doctor was positive that even he couldn’t and wouldn’t have just flown off without telling someone. Instinctively, whether it was a doctor’s intuition, or just Crios having been around Seishu for so long. . . Something wasn’t right. He could feel it. The doctor turned, heading to find Harper once more, this time with an urgency in his step. [i]’So much for the moment of peace. . .’[/i] To quicken this process, as he made his way down the halls, he called to Harper, knowing that those large and fine tuned ears would be able to hear him. ~*~*~*~*~*~ “How are you two?” The rabbit guard had wandered absentmindedly until he was standing in the garden with the plant siblings. He watched them tend to their garden, watering and digging small holes for new seeds. Even though they could use their powers for the task, sometimes, doing things the traditional way was more fun. “We’re fine. Just helping our plants adapt.” Finn said with a smile. Starla nodded in agreement as she planted a row of new flowers. Before Harper could question what he meant, Finn continued. “Our garden had gotten a little. . . out of touch- as if they didn’t recognize Lord Enasi when he had arrived. At first, I thought it was due to the excess of negative energy around, but Starla and I realized that it was in fact that new energy he is giving off. Thankfully, they are starting to accept it as well.” He looked at Harper and smiled again, giving a nod. Meanwhile, Starla was in her own little world. Of course that wasn’t until she looked behind her, giving a questionable glance. “Hm. . . Weird. It was probably just the travellers.” Finn had noticed the sudden surge of positive energy appear and disappear. Normally that happened when the Realm Jumpers were heading into the Human Realm. So, he paid no mind to it. Before Harper could say anything, his ears lifted at the sound of the doctor calling him. Hearing that it sounded urgent, Harper turned to the siblings. “Crios needs me. I’m going.” With that, Harper shot off to meet the doctor. The siblings looked at each other, hearing the urgency in the rabbit’s voice and decided to take a break from their own menial tasks to follow behind him. ~*~*~*~*~*~ “Seishu’s gone. He’s no where in sight. I checked around and followed the faint negative energy trail. But he’s gone.” The fox doctor had started speaking immediately as Harper approached. There was no time to waste. And if it wasn’t as bad as Crios made it out to be, then everything could quickly relax once Seishu was found.