The phone call, which lasted for about half a minute or so, gave Aaron a glimpse of what's to come but he still had to be sure. Judging by Mr. Fukui's monotone voice which left barely distinguishable traces of hurry and distress somewhere along the way, plus considering that he was referring to the person in the other end of the line as 'Commissioner Donnell', whatever was happening it was business related. And business required equipment. Snatching his bag from the seat and throwing it down his back, but not before pulling his notebook out, the blue haired boy made several confident steps towards the main hall, just in time to catch Mr. Fukui's remark about endangered children which was directed at Ayashe. So that's what it was; an overturned school bus. Licking his index finger, he began flipping the pages of his notebook until he reached to the middle, ripping a page from it then closing the book, slipping it under his left arm. "Do you want me to send recon before you guys intervene?", he uttered in his slight British accent, his sight drifting at everyone in the room then stopping at Katsu, who was prepping himself up to enter the fray. Soon after, Ms. Gilboa scampered out of the room, Daniel following shortly after.