[b]Stephen O'Connell[/b] Stephen looked into the fire, and felt the warmth of it on his skin. The fire was almost entrancing, it was so beautiful. It reminded him of his childhood, when he would go into the woods with his brothers and light a fire, almost every winter night. However, this was, different. Perhaps it was the students talking all around him. But Stephen could sense something else, like someone was there, watching his every move, but wasn't seen. Stephen shrugged it off as a memory. Suddenly, Stephen became aware of the time, and realised that he had to hand out some snacks. He threw groups of students some packets of marshmallows, and small bags of sticks for the students to eat them on, and possibly roast them. [b]James Mason[/b] James went to the bonfire, like all students, and sat down with the rest, or most of, the football team. He began looking around to see where Jamie was, but just attributed that to him liking Ash, and probably being with her. Maybe he'd sneak off to see them, it's not like he wanted the be at the bonfire anyway, it was too hot. As he was looking around, he managed to get hit in the face with a packet of marshmallows thrown by a teacher.