August, having been mostly ignored by the boy and Kanoa after the initial greeting and confirmation of the number, had occupied herself by staring at the flickering lights intently, biting her lip as she mentally planned out the electronics and how she could easily fix the flickering. Orion entered next, and Kanoa's usual placid expression was replaced for a moment before it came back up again. The boy lounged next to the red head, greeting her in his usual laid back demeanor. Her eyes whipped down to Orion, giving a quirked grin. "Not much Oreo. As she said, spooky scary skeletons and haunted houses abound. Still living in the North Pole?" Orion's calm demeanor rarely failed to get some girl giggling, though August just found it...sedate. It wasn't particularly appealing or off putting, but she would happily admit that Orion himself wasn't hard on the eyes. And didn't seemed annoyed by her seemingly boundless amount of energy. Or how frequently she blew things up. Or electrocuted herself. Or cut the power in the building. Really he just didn't seem to ever be bothered by...anything. Well, she wasn't about to be able to fix the lights in the middle of a meeting, so instead August decided to hop off her current desk, hop onto the desk behind Orion, and lean onto his shoulders, huffing in mild boredom. Whether he pushed her aside or not, she didn't really mind. ANYTHING was better than just sitting in silence staring at the lights. She could already hear her friends being annoyed. 'You laid on him!?' like he was something to be venerated. He was good looking, not made of gold. "No one's talking...m'bored." Another student entered. Best described as gray, August had never met her before. Her eyes seemed oddly large. She was pretty, like a porcelain doll. She placed cupcakes on the desk, though August didn't go for them. She instead waved at the girl with one hand, letting Kanoa talk and...engulf one of the baked treats. Sugar caused August to go haywire, she was already a bundle of energy as it was. They looked amazing though, the girl was clearly a skilled baker! The boy in the corner started talking to himself. She'd find it odd, but considering her current situation...that would probably be premature. Another visitor, looked like everyone decided all at once to show up, this one preceded by smoke. August didn't know her personally, but had seen her around. She looked about as interested in the world as a frog would be in algebra. A dead frog. With headphones on. She was cute though. In a...statue...sort of way. She gave another wave, green eyes flitting up to the flickering light again as the urge to tinker started rising. Something about a goat? "We'd need a tarp." She mumbled before, once again, another student walked in. This club seemed popular. Maxwell, August recognized him. Mostly because of the rumors running around him. Where Orion seemed laid back, Max just seemed...distant. Like his sense of apathy was just too much to care. Kanoa greet him. August quirked a brow and gave a small grin. Cute. As Kanoa started the meeting, August leaned back on the desk, still sitting cross legged on the top, as she listened. The first boy mentioned telekinesis. Manipulation of electrical fields? Magnetism? Ooky spooky spirit arm grabber thing? Hard to say. Her eyes moved now to the quiet boy who had decided to talk to himself and whom Kanoa decided a piece of paper would solve the problems. Homeopathy? Oh wait, occult. August needed to get out of her logical mindset for this crowd. Especially when Jackson grew a third arm and pulled a freaking chair across the room. This caused August to sit upright almost immediately, eyes wide. "Oh RADICAL! Oh crap, did I just use a seriously old term for that? Ugh, I gotta stop watching old movies while I work. Still, that was cool! Oh, I guess I'll go next? I'm August Battaglia, or Batty as Oreo here seems to prefer." August pat Ellis on the head before continuing. "Uhhh, if you all remember the power going out in the school about three days ago, that was me. And the power outage in the town about two weeks ago? Me also. I guess if we're being totally upfront and forward about all this, well, I died. For 4 seconds, I was legally dead, and I was resuscitated." It felt...weird talking about it out loud. Still, couldn't be worse than ghost arms, so in for a penny in for a pound. "Unlike having something useful like floating cupcakes towards me or pulling chairs out from under others, I...feel things. Things left behind by others, things that kinda fill an area. Emotions, feelings. Hard to explain, like...residual feelings and thhhhings. Look I don't fully understand it myself, but basically I can feel the emotions left behind in places or objects. I think. Sorta. Yeah. We'll go with that." Satisfied that she made perfect sense, August gave a wave and folded her hands in her lap, grinning wide at the assembled students. Nailed it!