Seeing Trixie along with the rest of the crowd flee to safety, Giltwith took a breath before gripping his blade tightly. His sword began to glow with power as he lifted it above him. Physical strength would be no match for a Minotaur, no matter how mighty his sword was. Magic was the only option. Bringing it down with a mighty swing, he sliced a crescent of energy towards his target. The culmination of both light and dark magic tore through the streets, heading straight for Cyrias. Suddenly, multiple orbs of gold rushed out to meet the wave head-on, keeping it back. Melody had been watching from her position and she decided to give the Minotaur some much needed cover fire. Elsewhere, the eyes from the shadows began to retract. In fact, it wasn’t a crowd much at all, but a single being. Unaware of its existence, Kiara crossed her arms and frowned. “What, like our first hand accounts of what they do aren’t enough?”