[center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/232/e/7/black_crusade_by_yogh_art-d5bqzea.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b] Warhammer 40k: Out of the Warp[/b][/center] Listen to this while reading the interest check. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSW5RHNvGew]Theme Song[/url] Of all the myriad threats and dangers to the Imperium of Man, none are as great, or as insidious, as those of the forces of Chaos. Comprised of the four deities of the Warp, men and women from all walks of life turn to the dark lure of power and prizes none dare even whisper of. From the blood soaked berserk warriors of Khorne, scheming and plotting sorcerers of Tzeentch, to the plague ridden harbingers of Nurgle and frenzied abandon of the Slanneshi follower, the numbers of those liberated from the Corpse God and others are untold. And you are one of these untold numbers of warriors and schemers blessed by the touch of Chaos. No matter your creed, to whom you swear yourself to, one night you are visited upon by a dream, a vision of things to come. The twisted, broken backdrop of the scene gracing your mind’s eye varies, depending on whom you’ve sworn yourself to. But one constant is clear, a man far larger than any one could have ever seen, even towering above the Traitor Astartes, a figure swathed in black shadow with eyes burning with a infernal reddish hue. He spoke no words, none that would have been recognized by others, but in tongues only the dreamer would know. He spoke of a crusade, another grand war against the False Emperor himself, and that the Gods themselves demanded it. Such visions are hard on the mind and body, and rarely last long, as many would awake from slumber in cold sweat, with more questions than answers. But a rift would be awaiting those who awoke, beckoning them on to fight for the Dark Gods themselves. [center][b]OOC Explanation.[/b][/center] This roleplay will focus on a elite few of Chaos who have been summoned together to lead their forces in a Undivided Crusade against the Imperium of Man. The False Emperor stands in the way of Chaos taking the Galaxy. The Dark Council in the Eye of Terror demands results from you and your allies. There will be disagreements, there may even be violence among the players, but ultimately your goal is the same and if you do not set aside your differences at times to achieve what the four gods wish to, then you may very well come under their wrath. Are you powerful enough to join the crusade? If you are.. Then step forth… Meet the Imperium man with the power of Chaos. Rules: 1. Respect Respect Respect 2. GMs words are law. 3. Character Sheets must be fully completed to be approved. (Please read all in the character template.) 4. Stick to WH40k Universe. I don’t wanna see Elites, Master Chiefs, or lightsabers in my RP. 5. Have Fun 6. Ask Questions. if you any ask in the thread, or ask in PMs. Up to you. But I will always be happy to answer them. Chatroom: Yes We have a chatroom. It will be the hub for all who participate in our RPs to come and chat with us ask questions etc. Simply get on IRC, join the irc.foonetic.net server, and type /join #RPINC and voila you are chatting with us. (Do not post characters in the Interest check. Please wait for the OOC then post them in the character section) Character Template Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Chaos Space Marine, Human. These are really your only two choices. ) Height: Weight: Appearance: (Images (no anime) or written. Written needs to be AT LEAST two hundred words. ) Equipment: (Weapons, armor etc things like that) Powers: (Explain what they do in RP do not be to overpowered though. ) Rank Among Chaos: (Are you a lord? Champion? Prince? Great Daemon? ) Bio: (200 Word minimum) Aligned: (Which god are you aligned to? Or are you aligned to Undivided? ) Retinue: (What troops you have with you? How powerful are they? How many are there? (Do not include vehicles ) [hider=Example Character] Example Character: Name: Kacia The Horned Sister Age: 86 Gender: Female Race: Chaos Blessed Human Height: 6’1 Weight: (Without armor) 172 lbs Appearance: [img]http://s29.postimg.org/y5i8gco0n/KYrena_OC.png[/img] Equipment: Possessed Power Armor, Possessed Chainsword, Possessed Bolter, Krak Grenade, Frag Grenades, Crystal of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch Powers: Flames of Tzeentch, Sight of Tzeentch, Storm of Tzeentch Rank Among Chaos: Daemon Princess Bio: Once a Cannoness Superior of the Sacred Veil, she lead her order into a purge upon a Imperial World that had become consumed with Chaos. During this time they destroyed cultists, and Psykers by the thousands. Their holy flames consumed all that stood in their way. This was short lived though as they soon found that the Thousand Sons had begun the corruption of the planet. Fighting heartily they began to slay their foes that served Tzeentch, but they lost many sisters in the Process. Finally standing before a Sorcerer Lord by the name of Timak, Kacia raised her chainsword, but found herself frozen. Her sisters stood as frozen as she held still by some sorcery. It was then a voice whispered in her ear, telling her that if she swore allegiance to Tzeentch he would grant her the power to destroy this sorcerer, and the power to her sisters to be unstoppable. Torn between serving the Emeperor and seeing this Sorcerer dead. She chose Tzeentch, suddenly feeling power of the warp course through her body, blue fire danced from her eyes and she was suddenly able to move. The Sorcerer was shocked and it seemed he could cast no spells. She struck him down as chainsword took on a flame of blue and a explosion rocked across the entire planet. As She awoke she found herself transformed. Horns had protruded from her head, her armor had twisted and warped, as well as her weapons. Her Sisters stared at her blue flames dancing in their eyes. Surrounding them they found psykers, and a few Thousand sons, who were soon bending knee. Kacia looked up towards the sky then at all those around her and raised her arms. Another explosion rocked the planet and space around them a warp storm tore opened around the planet and swallowed it whole. The Sister of the Sacred veil were gone. Only the Sisters of Tzeentch’s Torn Veil remained. Aligned: Tzeentch Retinue: 47 Tzeentch Battle Sisters, 21 Thousand Sons Marines, 2 Sorcerers of Tzeentch, 23 Psykers, 4323 Cultists, 142 Renegade Guard. [/hider] [center][b] I AM LIMITING CERTAIN RANKS! THERE WILL BE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SLOTS FOR PRINCES/PRINCESSES! Only two slots remain. Choose wisely. [/b][/center]