[b]Amy Snow[/b] Before the start of the fire Amy had found Luca and Zaylin, hoping they'd hang out with her around the fire. Amy loved the bonfire. She had loved it the year prior, and wasn't about to let anything about that change. As an extrovert, Amy prefers being around people, even if she is a bit shy with talking to them. She happily roasted a marshmallow, and ate the gooey mess sans graham cracker or chocolate. Amy was thankful for the water and used it to wash the sticky mess off of her fingers. [b]Ash Mareinos[/b] Ash made her appearance at the bonfire, long enough for Miss Reese to hand her a juice and then she hunted down Jamie. She had stashed a bag behind a tree part of the way to the lake, and intended on picking it up on the way to the lake. It was just 6:30 now and they had time until curfew, which wasn't until 10:15 that evening. She was beaming with excitement. "Jamie." She said from behind her friend. "Ready?"