[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AG8fbLu.png[/img] [b][i]Inhumanus Historia[/i] [1900 - 2100 (Human Designation)][/b] Extract 417 [i]Octo Mensis, 2006 (Human Designation). Six hundred Kree militia units land three miles south of the Great Refuge's borders, by the Atlantic Ocean. Met by King Agon, Queen Rynda, Prince Maximus, nineteen of the Royal Guard - including Lords Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Ladies Medusa and Crystal, and three thousand seven hundred and two Inhumans. Heavy casualties on both sides: Three hundred and fifty-four Inhumans killed, thirty-nine Inhumans critically injured, including King Agon and Queen Rynda, nine hundred and seventy-five Inhumans moderately to minimally injured. [/i][/center] Karnak thought of the tumultuous events in the history of Attilan and it's inhabitants. Just seven years prior, there had been great proceedings regarding the creation of the Inhumans. Though most of the facts were still largely shrouded in mystery, the population had learnt that it was an ancient and powerful alien race named the Kree that had created the Inhumans, supplying them with everything related to Terrigenesis, and likely the unheard of materials and technology needed to distinguish the advanced race from their primal counterparts, the humans. It was not known if the Inhumans were human before the Kree's coming, or if they were a different species entirely. Karnak supposed that was for King Maximus and the current regent board to know, if indeed they knew at all. Being a member of the Royal Family did not mean that Karnak was consulted in the matters of provenance, nor the secrets the rulers were rumoured to hold. Perhaps it was Karnak's antisocial tendencies that left him in the dark on some secrets. He was well known for his intelligence, so matters should not have been kept from him because of his mental capacity. Regardless being a, however unwilling, member of the Order of Wisdom meant that important decisions the King chose not to undertake were to be made by he and his accomplices. As Maximus was away from the Refuge - an action that had shocked many traditionalists in Attilan - the matter had been brought to Mander, the leader of the Order. As tumultuous events went, this escape by the group of Inhumans was a prominent one. "Referred to as, respectively, Falcona, Stallior, Nebulo, Timberia, and Leonus, the rogue group have apparently adopted names related to their Inhuman skills and appearances. Falcona, she is a conduit and master of the brains of nearby birds - scientifically, most bird's beaks contain a sort of magnetic homing device. Falcona's brain emits a strong electromagnetic field inhumanly attuned to the bird's material, meaning she can draw the birds to her and command them to perform basic tasks - land, move here, attack... Stallior is a combination of a man and a horse, coincidentally the transformation occurred in the way that he closely resembles the mythological creature of the centaur in human mythos. He's fast and strong, and not to be underestimated. Leonus is similar to Stallior, in the way that his physiology has been combined with an animal, yet different - as he is still recognisable as a man, albeit with a faintly bronze skin, masses of hair, yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and so on... and his mental state has been largely reduced. His brain acts on impulses, simple commands, just like the natural lion - though Leonus has considerable improvements on the animal's abilities. Timberia has become one with the earth since Terrigenesis. She no longer lives through the normal human state, instead she survives as the common plant does - requiring photosynthesis, water, light. She travels in a fascinating way, twisting the roots and plants around her, making them share their mass with her so she can travel along it. Her appearance is similar to the middle bulk of a tree, and she has noticeable roots bulging out of her skin. Finally, the most strange of all, there's Nebulo. During Terrigenesis his physical form was, well, extinguished. He exists as an invisible, partly intangible being. But instead of not existing entirely, he operates in two dimensions, appearing as a shadow of his invisible self on walls and structures. He can interact with anything he can lay his shadow upon. Definitely the most dangerous of the group..." The ambitious Order man, a middle class analyst named Bhurk, finally finished - trailing off awkwardly, probably entertaining fanatical thoughts of Nebulo and the rogue group. "Thank you, Bhurk," Mander rose from his head seat, signalling the analyst to move away from the spotlight, "As you can surmise, each member of the group is deadly in their own right. Together... truly a force to be reckoned with. Now, it is imperative that this event stays out of public knowledge for the immediate future. The knowledge could send future subjects of Terrigenesis askew, plus the relatives of the group could take any action under the indisputable stress this all would cause them. With the... unprecedented absence of our young ruler, it falls to us to cover all ground regarding this subject: the discretion, the handling, and the execution." Mander eyed the men and women in the room intensely. He trusted each soul around the table, likely partly because of their subservience to him. Mander's eyes lingered less on Karnak, likely partly because of his opposite attitude to his father. Nevertheless, Karnak's skill was indisputable - he would most definitely be appointed a pivotal task in the event. Karnak had not noticed yet, but there was another figure in the chamber - not sat at the Order table, but shuffling loudly at the far end of the room with impatience. Karnak turned to look but Mander spoke up again, confirming Karnak's growing suspicion: "You may be thinking that who among us will be in control of actually apprehending the group - bringing them back home to the Refuge, so we can find out what went wrong during their transformation. Thus, I took the liberty of inviting our most successful candidate in strategic skirmishes to learn all the facts and begin planning. He will be in control of tracking down and saving these rogues, before they do anything catastrophic." "Too right." The loud, hulking figure stepped out of the peripheral shadows, turning whatever heads were not already turned in that direction. Karnak groaned internally, as he stared at his close relative - Attilan's celebrated military expert: Gorgon. Gorgon grinned, showing large, jagged teeth littered with bits of mangled food from his last meal - or ten meals ago. "Let's get this party started."