[h3]Ayero[/h3] Cradled in a blanket of warmth and prosperity, the inhabitants of this temperate land live a more easy-going life than those of their neighbors in Lugere. Vast farmlands are the life-line of the country, and they dot the land nearest to the sparse lakes, rivers, and streams that vein across Ayero. The sun is harsh and snow is an unknown phenomena to most of the continent, but the occasional monsoon gives life to the thin forests dotting the landscape and keeps the rolling hills their vibrant green color. In the more quaint villages and towns, wood makes up the majority of the buildings, and children play carefree alongside the domesticated Pokemon who live there. Life for the farmers is peaceful and fulfilling. In the center of the land lies the capital city, the queendom of Hidan, ruled by Queen Ellysian la Ayero the III. The queendom was named after a man a thousand years dead, who had the good grace to build the castle and surrounding city on the Luminescent Hills. Accompanying the queendom are plentiful villas resting on the hills, where lordlings and ladies hold magnificent galas and festivals throughout the year, without an idea of the more humble lives of their farming neighbors. Queen Ellysian herself is from a long line of queens before her. Not a single a male heir had been born from their bloodline after Hidan and his sons had passed away, and the kingdom had hundreds of years since become a queendom, to be ruled by the female heiresses and their Ho-Ohs. And on any typical day, Queen Ellysian would have been overseeing the Queen's Guard, yet these days such is not the case. She, and a select council of trusted advisors, have spent their days locked away in the council hall, deliberating over the fate of their country. Their eyes had been looking to the north as of late, to the land that was once known as Egyel. Untold riches were told to rest in the ruins inside the dense jungles that populated that continent. But lately, more pressing news had aroused from the mouths of merchants and gypsies. War seemed to be a rumor that swelled and boiled over on their whispering lips, yet no one knew where it originated from. Whether it began in Ayero or Lugere, it didn't seem to matter, as these rumors fueled the agendas of many conniving nobles and statesmen, and it started a fire that wouldn't be easily put out. To add on to the Queen's worries is the newly proclaimed Lotus Triumvirate. Morph-sympathizers who seek to add the abominations that had been hellbent on desecrating the lives of the citizens of their noble country. Dealing with Morphs individually had been a longstanding challenge of the Ayero militia, seeing them band together as one... Things were going to become more hectic. And so, in these trying times, Queen Ellysian la Ayero the III has sent out couriers to the noble houses of Ayero to send their most capable heirs, heiresses, warriors, and Pokemon tamers to aid the Crown, no matter how minor or major the house. [h3]Lugere[/h3] A polar opposite to Ayero, rimmed with snow capped mountains to the north, west, and south of the continent. Accompanying these majestic figures are abundant waterfalls coming down from the mountains that feed into great, glacial rivers that twine through pine forests and beautiful valleys. Covering the entire continent is a chill, yet it normally isn't bad enough to send everyone indoors. The people of this typically harsher land are hardy folk, and extremely hardworking. They make their living from mining the Stardrop Mountains, or lumberjacking in the pine forests. Nearer to the great rivers and lakes fishing is plentiful. The yearly snows were nearly upon them, which would slow down trade to a crawl until people and their Pokemon carved out safe paths through it. However, though the people grumbled about the snows, they whispered fervently of the curious rumors they had heard from far-traveling merchants and performers. Rumors of bands of troops from Ayero voyaging north to claim the land of Egyel as their own permeated as the most common rumor, and discontented many Lugerians against Ayero. And, even more dire, rumors that Ayero wanted to go to war with Lugere to eliminate their competition for the riches of Egyel. These whisperings were carried by word-of-mouth all the way to the kingdom of Maccus, capital of Lugere, ruled by the King of Lugere. The kingdom was blessed with the fortune of being built near to the Barrier Sea on the east coast of Lugere so as to enjoy a less harsh environment than most of the rest of the country that it rules, and sees a good fishing and silk trade. Unfortunately, these days the King and his advisors have sequestered themselves into their great halls to discuss how they should react to the uncouth actions of their neighbors in Ayero, and how to prove if the rumors are true beyond all else. And if the soon-to-be yearly snows and the insidious rumors weren't enough, lately a faction called the Lotus Triumvirate has reared it's head as Morph-friendly. Nobody knows where they located so that they can send troops to eradicate them before they become a problem for the humble folk of Lugere, yet they have made themselves known, for better or worse. In these troubling times, the King has sent his fastest couriers only to his most trusted of the nobility, disregarding status and influence in favor of secrecy and the ability to count on those he has summoned. [h3]Lotus Triumvirate – Ayero & Lugere[/h3] Lately, in the country side towns, villages, and some larger cities, posters have been found plastered against the walls of buildings, primarily inns, and are quickly torn down by any normal citizen of the country for what they depict: A lotus unfurling and three crowned stars that circle it. Normally it would be counted as a work of art, save for the fact that most folk know now what that lotus represents. [i]The Morphs[/i]. Sometimes, in more rural areas, people don't even touch them for fear that they might be accused of being a Morph. They are incinerated by the more radical Morph-haters, and simply thrown away in the trash by anyone else... and yet, if people were less superstitious, maybe they would have realized that each poster was just slightly different. Perhaps they would have been able to stop the cloaked figures who came in the night to put more of the pesky posters up so that any Morphs who might possibly be willing to join their cause could eventually find them by the clues hidden in each of those posters. The problem is, how do you get your hands on one without being found out? [h2]Havenport, Middle of the Ayero Barrier Sea Coast --- Corivana Espada & Kyo[/h2] Something about this day ignited a petulant attitude in Corivana. Perhaps it was her summons back from the high seas to the land she had come to despise that erred on her poor disposition? Or was it the fact that the guards of her home town, Haven Port, now looked at her with grimaces on their faces? Every little bit added up, and it got under Corivana's normally sarcastic, go-with-the-flow personality. She stood with a hand at the hilt of her sword, and the other was digging out her breakfast from in between her two front teeth while she listened to the Council of Elders berate her with nonsensical questions. She knew she had made a mistake coming through Haven Port on the way to the capital, but she didn't know it'd be [i]this bad[/i]. [b]"Corivana du Espada, listen when your betters speak!"[/b] The Eldest slammed her judgement rod upon the thick oaken desk she sat behind in irritation. They had noticed that Corivana wasn't paying much attention, after near an hour of gabbering? Corivana couldn't suppress a scoff before it escaped her throat, and some of the Elders gasped at her behavior, while others frowned and furrowed their brows. [b]"Blimey, ye bilge-guzzlin' old fools, punish a lady for sayin' 'ello eh? I just came back to this shoddy old village to pay my respect to ye land-lubbin' wretches. This lass 'as got more important things to be doin' right now, to be sure, so let me leave 'ere before one of yer old sacks gets a hernia by lookin' at me pretty little face ye all love so much."[/b] Corivana folded her arms under her breasts and looked the Eldest in the eye while her voice carried across the whole Council room. The Eldest, a woman who held the most power on the Council, near to being the ruler of Haven Port, met the pirate stare-for-stare. [b]"Let the girl leave. Apparently respect hasn't been pounded into her thick hide, even under the strict rules of the Queen's Guard. You will learn the error of your ways yet, Corivana du Espada."[/b] She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, while the Elders gathered around muttered under their breath. Corivana's lips quirked into a smirk as she turned her back to the Council and swaggered to the door, but as her hand gripped the door handle the powerful voice of the Eldest rang in Corivana's ears. [b]"Kyogre has been taken to the pokemon center to be treated, and I couldn't help but notice that our deity has many injuries since the last time you thought to bless us with it's presence. You will need to be more proactive in your care for it, or you may find that we remove [i]you[/i] from it's presence."[/b] Corivana's hand gripped the knob till her knuckles went white and her face contorted into a fierce scowl at the older woman's words. She managed to smooth out her features into her characteristic smirk when she looked over her shoulder at the Eldest. [b]"Kyo goes where she pleases. Iffin' that aint with me, then she'll be lettin' me know... savvy?"[/b] And with that she opened the door, swaggered out, and let it fall closed behind her with a loud creak. Outside the massive town hall, Corivana took a deep breath of the salty air of Haven Port. [i]Home[/i]. It wasn't quite how she remembered leaving it, every building had rough edges, and every face was harder still. There was even less time for the children to enjoy themselves outside, and nearly all of them were in the dojos or in the school houses of the town, perfecting their chosen path in life. The only few that weren't forced into being taught weren't Espada children, and thus not restricted to their harsh reality. People in the gardens and farms slaved away, and guards sweated beneath their armor while they stood erect and focused on their tasks. In the various shops lining the streets, people toiled at their crafts endlessly as foreigners and neighbors alike perused and bartered for goods. She was pulled out of her observations by a gaggle of foreign women passing by, all in their summer dresses with glameow and persians at their sides. Corivana smiled for real this time, her face lighting up brilliantly. [b]"Good day, ladies. I must say you all look prettier than a bouquet of rosalia."[/b] Corivana said, losing her pirate accent and flourishing her jacket behind her as she took an extravagant bow. The ladies paused and looked at her in confusion, but before any of them could blink Corivana continued. [b]"And for your beauty, I say that you all deserve a rose just as beautiful as you are."[/b] And with that she produced a rose for each of them from somewhere on her person. The women held their delicate hand fans to their faces and giggled in turn. When they left a few minutes later, all huddled together and glancing back at Corivana, the latter felt a rush of pleasure at watching their retreating figures. One or two of them had given her their beautifully scented silk 'kerchiefs to remember them by, and Corivana had placed them in her own brassiere. [i]Women[/i]. She loved them enough to forget what she had been doing. With a start of realization, she made her way through town, dodging and ducking through the crowd in her rush to the pokemon center where her companion surely waited for her. [h2]Skyheart Estate, In the Northern Lugere Stardrop Mountains --- Sophia Skyheart & Neva[/h2] A jumble of ever-revolving emotions festered at Sophia's core and she couldn't stop herself from pacing the length of her stately dining hall. Every step was accentuated by a sharp clicking sound as the butt of her crystalline cane hit the marble flooring. Silvery blonde hair spilled out behind her and swayed with her movement, not yet braided in her rush to hear what her father had to tell her after summoning her from a dead-sleep. [b]"Lady Sophia, please sit and rest, you will tire yourself out before your morning meal even comes from the kitchens."[/b] One of the usually demure maids lining the walls of the dining room spoke up, and Sophia turned to look. It was Evangeline, a woman with quite a curvaceous form and a motherly aura about her. Evangeline was also one of Sophia's oldest maids, and the one who had begun to bring her books back when all she could do was lay in bed as a child. [b]"All but Evangeline please go take a respite before tending to your other chores."[/b] Sophia said with sharp rap of her cane against the ground. One by one the maids poured out with glances back at their lady and their fellow maid. Finally, the doors clicked shut and the room was cascaded in silence. Sophia looked her maid up and down, trying to determine if she trusted the woman with what she had to say. She [i]needed[/i] to speak with someone. [b]"Evangeline. I... Lugere may go to war with Ayero."[/b] She finally said with a sigh, falling into the high backed chair at the head of the table before continuing, [b]"I am to go to Maccus and attend the court there as a representative from Skyheart, with Neva at my side. To show that we are loyal to the throne. Evangeline... I haven't been beyond the Hoarfrost Temple, nor have I been to the cities that I will someday be the Lady of. How can I just go... all the way to Maccus? Alone?"[/b] Evangeline strode to Sophia and took her lady's hand without a word. Sophia rose her thin eyebrows a notch, but Evangeline smiled serenely and shook her head, as if to say "all in good time." The maid led her out through the mahogany double doors of the dining hall, through the arched marble hallways with stained glass in the images of Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia lining the walls, down the grand staircase covered in thick velvet carpet, and past the guards stationed at the impossibly big stained glass double doors that marked the main entrance into the Manor of Skyheart. The guards gave them odd looks, especially at their lady who was wearing not much more than a nightgown under her beartic fur coat and some slippers. Sophia shook her head to stave off their assistance and kept following her maid. Suddenly, they stopped at the edge of a railed awning overlooking the nearby lands, with the Hoarfrost Temple in the distance. From here, Sophia could hear the beautiful cries of the ancient pokemon who dwelt in that temple as he started to awaken from his slumber. Evangeline pointed into the distance, towards those cries. [b]"My Lady Sophia, that is the very reason why you must not fall to fear. Do you not hear Articuno's love for you in that song? Articuno comes for you every morning as you even step a foot outside the manor walls, and he protects you each day against inconsequential things. Sometimes, you even have to stop him before he goes too far. He is raw power in a cage, and you must exercise him wisely. To that, I say exercise him in the name of Lugere, of Maccus, and do your family proud."[/b] [i]'A few wise words from a maid soothed the majority of my doubts.'[/i] The thought made her smile, and she gave Evangeline a quick kiss on her cheek. Before she could thank her maid in words, a gust of wind caught both of them off-balance and they had to grip the rail to stand upright as a large swirl of blue landed in the snow next to them. When the white powder settled, they saw Neva cocking his head this way and that as he regarded Evangeline being so close to Sophia, it was almost as if he inspecting an insect that would have to be gotten rid of either by beak or talon. Sophia ran up to to Neva, her arms wide as she hugged the arctic bird pokemon. Neva swirled it's wings and plumes around her with a happy cry. [b]"Neva, you can't eat Evangeline so don't even think it."[/b] She whispered into his ear, and the pokemon gave a disgruntled sound in it's throat as a reply. He wasn't happy about being told what he could and could not do, but he endured it for Sophia's sake. [b]"Neva, how do you feel about taking a trip away from here for awhile?"[/b] She looked up at his eyes and she was met with a fierce gaze. In those eyes, she could tell he was ecstatic about the thought of leaving the area. She gave his beak a stroke before turning around and pushing his wings out of her way gently. [b]"Alright, Evangeline, it's time to pack up. I leave today if I want to make it there before the great blizzards come down from the mountains."[/b] Sophia announced resolutely. Before she could even blink, she was escorted back inside in a flurry so that she could prepare for her journey, servants seeming to spill out of the woodwork to undress her and dress her. In the same route, an unhappy Neva was also ensconced into preparation, outfitted in his armor and saddles, with supplies for their journey packed in compact and neat into each saddle-pouch. It was just hitting seven in the morn by the time that Sophia and Neva stood outside of the manor gates, with the entire retinue of the Skyheart servantry lined up behind her parents to give their daughter farewell. Her father, a hard man with white lining his temples, came forward with her mother, a dainty and beautiful lady with an air of grace about her. [b]"My daughter,"[/b] He began in a voice low enough that only his wife, his daughter, and the Articuno could hear what he was saying, [b]"Go swiftly and carefully. Neva will attract attention at every turn, so make sure to follow the map we drafted. I have letters for each of the lords or ladies you may encounter, make sure you do not lose them."[/b] Sophia nodded obediently throughout the conversation, giving hugs to both her parents when her father finished his instructions. She turned and swung up Neva's saddle, fighting back tears in her eyes. [b]"Sophia, take this."[/b] Her mother tip-toed up to place a small metallic object in her hands. Sophia frowned as she looked at it: it was the signet ring of her family, something she wasn't allowed to have until she turned eighteen. When she opened her mouth to question her mother, the woman had beaten her to the chase. [b]"We may not see you before that day, so wear it proudly through your journey. It is proof of who you are beyond a doubt."[/b] Sophia felt tears pour down her pale cheeks as she slipped on her ring, and she gave a wave for the rest of the people lined out in the cold snow. [b]"Good bye everyone! Stay warm!"[/b] Before she could say anything else, a great flap of shimmering blue wings and chill wind propelled her away from everything she had ever known. [center]And so Sophia Skyheart left on her first journey with her pokemon, Neva, as her only companion in the harsh and desolate land of Lugere. What would become of her adventures in the name of the King?[/center]