The dull grey sky above was normally not something Alam would have looked at and enjoyed, but as his last sight, it was fading quickly, and the freshman found himself in somewhat of a panic. As the last remnant of grey faded and was swallowed by what could only be aptly described as reminiscent to a night sky filled with countless stars, Alam tried to get his bearings. He was definitely still falling and he craned his neck to try and see below him. What he saw made his jaw drop as a vibrant world opened up underneath him, before the rush of wind reminded him of what would happen once he hit the ground. Thankfully the fall seemed long enough that he wouldn’t have to worry about it for a minute at the least. Enough time for him to sa- [i]‘Wait, what?’[/i] The thought that snapped him from his final words was caused by the fact that he noticed below him was not the ground. Well it was in a sense, but more accurately he seemed to fall towards a… floating island. [i]‘What...’[/i] Between the fact that he had been pushed into a “portal” by a dog, was currently falling to his death, and seemingly would land on a floating island of sorts, Alam sort of just decided to say, “Well fuck it,” as to not lose further grasp on reality. Really it didn’t matter if he did though, since he was apparently about to die in a few more moments. With that rather solemn piece of knowledge in mind, he did the logical thing so he took the time to glance around. Wherever he was, it was downright beautiful and he could admit that much. Lush green grass stretched on for miles beneath him, broken by the occasional thicket of trees or the blue of water. A bit far off he could see a few structures, and around them milled plenty of people; though they looked like little more than ants at this distance. He wondered briefly what was happening below, before he sighed and looked back down below himself. The island was startling close by now and he closed his eyes as the winds whipped past him, hoping it wouldn’t hurt too much. [i]‘Sor-’[/i] His final thoughts were to be interrupted as well apparently as he felt soft paws touch upon his back. The sensation was enough to bring to mind the dog that had caused all of this and Alam whipped his head around to look at the purple eyed, dark furred canine. He would have yelled out, partially in indignation and partially anger, had he not met the ground at that exact moment. Yet instead of splattering in a horrible manner that likely would have traumatized his expectant summoner, something enveloped him whole. Disoriented by the sudden halt, darkness, and the fact that he was still alive, Alam couldn’t do much more than hold his stomach and listen to the hammering of his heart. Thankfully, whatever it was that kept him from death by terminal-velocity impact also saw fit to wait until he was “ready” for it to dissolve. He wasn’t exactly ready, near-death experiences tended to do that to a person, but he wasn’t a quivering mess either. As the petals, which he now saw as those of a rose, fell away Alam’s jaw dropped again. What he had seen before was vast and overwhelming, but now all around him was an island that seemed to have been put together painstakingly by artists for all its beauty and intricacy. He might have even overlooked the individual who stood expectantly in front of him had he not felt the dog leap away from him. Following her naturally led Alam’s eyes to settle on the small girl, and he felt his eyebrow climb higher in confusion. That feeling wasn’t helped in the slightest when she threw forth what he assumed was an introduction and bowed to them. Wait, them? It was only then he turned to notice, that yes, he was not alone in all of this. There was another girl on the altar to his right. He ignored her for the moment and turned his attention to who he assumed was behind this all. [b]“Uh… what now?”[/b] His tone was questioning more than anything else, as he really wanted an explanation for all this before he decided whether to be angry or elsewise.