[quote=@Terminal] Vaulters are a predominantly ranged faction. Comes with the territory of advanced technology. Perhaps enemies [i]should[/i] be out of reach more often? [/quote] True- I meant that I'm not gonna have a lot of enemies that are up on some godforsaken ledge raining down hellfire so the option of melee is completely gone. Likewise, unless they catch the party off guard or are some type of charger-type thing, I also won't force melee, either. Unless you guys want that- definately make some encounters I've got in mind harder. But I guess it [i]would[/i] make sense for Zayth to have some ranged weapon, wouldn't it? I feel like having a shield, greatsword, and rifle would be pretty cumbersome, so maybe one of the signature Vaulter crossbows? [quote=@Leviathan] welp, Asriyah will be screwed then because she's basically all range. I am giving her a weapon though, for last minuet slaughter should she need it. [/quote] Probably not a bad idea :).