[b]The Strip[/b] The most striking skyscrapers are located here in a similar style to Las Vegas where the most successful businesses, casino’s, and hotels are located. In the heart of the city lies New Haven Square, which is similar to its distant cousin in New York. Here is where Channel 6 headquarters is located along with most of the official government buildings. Also of note are the many advertisement screens on the side of the skyscrapers that are the main attraction to visitors, as well as the luxurious and expensive shops, diners, clubs, and clothing stores. [b]Downtown[/b] Here is where the heart of New Haven lies, surrounding the Strip. It’s commercialized and you can find most department stores and specialty stores. Mostly has what you would find in any city from Wal-Mart’s to Hobby Lobby. Here is where most of the nightlife happens in the various clubs and casinos that stay open seemingly twenty-four hours. Most good apartment complexes can be found in this area, with fast food chains from all over the US seemingly here in one city. The Backwash Due to many immigrants when the city was founded back in the 1800’s most of them built there homes outside the city limits so they could escape paying taxes on things like safety so they could keep every penny they earned. Sadly the southern district has fallen prey to the many disasters that’s hit California. Earthquakes, wildfires, and even typhoons have made this part of the city a mess. Here is where the Police Department is headquartered, for they are needed to police the area constantly as most crimes in the city happen here. Most apartments are cheap and have reinforced entries due to numerous break-ins and robberies. [b]San Durand Valley[/b] Just to the east of the main city is a ring of suburbia streets that holds modest housing neighborhoods, typical of most housing sections they keep a neighborhood watch up for trouble and most mutants are not welcome. Aside from that very little is special about this section of the city, except that a small trial leading east snakes it’s way up into the hills beyond city. The hills are a favorite college party spot called Lover’s Peak and as such gets a lot of New Haven’s young people out there at night; regardless the time of week. Silver Beach To the west are the white beaches of the Pacific Ocean. Many tourists come here to enjoy the summer holidays, take in the sun, and enjoy the luxuries hotels that line up along the shoreline. It is here that condo’s for those who can afford it live by the sea, the sturdy structures built to whether all but the fiercest of hurricanes. To the north there is rocky terrain used jumping from on high down into the water and to the south you are likely to encounter a few private beaches. [b]Salem Forest[/b] To the north lies the expansive Salem Forests, whose age defies the passing centuries. It is a popular place for hiking and camping for the tourists who come to visit for the beauty of the forests. Yet this place also has an ominous feeling to it at night, so much in fact most people dare not go out after nightfall in the area. Disappearances and strange events are apparently commonplace as the moon hangs over the treetops. Rumor has it mutants who went feral inhabit the area but it may just be the wild animals, yet no one dares to go out there after darkness falls to prove otherwise. The Badlands Further south of the Backwash is a vast desert called the Badlands. It separates the city of New Haven from the rest of California. The odd thing about it is that back in 2020 it was part of the Salem forest before this huge section was wiped out. It wasn’t by wildfires, as the forests would recover after a time but by another force entirely. One theory that the Savior’s of Humanity have is that it was victim to the first mutant’s who went feral. Other than the Highway I-5 nothing exists in this desolate and barren wasteland. ---------- The factions that matter (more may be added later) The New Haven Government (includes Police and Justice Dept, Schools and other major civilian divisions in the city’s limits) The NHG is the civilian government in charge of the city, officially pro-mutant under Mayor Steven Wiggins’s administration. They try to keep the local gangs in check and anti mutant vigilantes who threaten the stability of the city. Generally comprised of hard working people who try and help one another. Yet there are always a few bad apples that give it a bad name. The Luther Saints A collection of idealistic individuals who believe mutants have been hounded too long and should be welcomed as brothers and sisters to New Haven. They have stations all along the outer edges of the city to greet new mutants with gift baskets of simple goods and references to living quarters. Compared to the Salvation Army for simplicity most if not all these people fiercely defend their views that mutants should be treated as equals. [b]The Outcasts[/b] A collection of disenchanted humans and mutants who supposedly live deep in the Salem Forest who are best referred to as a modern sect of druids. To this day hunters, captured poachers, isolated hikers, and even young couples claim that they have seen people clad in nothing but forest garb or camouflage who either scare them away or save them from peril. Due to these reports California National Guardsmen and Salem park Rangers have made many numerous attempts to find the hidden home of the Outcasts but instead have found nothing but the ominous feeling of being watched. [b]Saviors of Humanity[/b] The most prominent mutant hate group in the city limits, these people will use anything they can to stir discontent towards mutants. They are comprised of wide variety of people they seem to blame the mutants for everything from the common cold to tornado’s and the polar ice caps melting. While most hard working people try to avoid them they are largely accepted into the city unless they break the law, which sadly few seldom do or it’s just never reported. Note: While the Saints and the Savior’s certainly don’t get along other than a bar brawl no deadly confrontation as happened… yet. [b]Channel 6 News[/b] The major news station in the city of New Haven, they are typical of most news stations but seem to be more conservative. In light of the influx of mutants to their city many wonder which side the news will take. More violent actions would tip them one way while peace and quiet might tip them another. In the world of the media everyone watches this station now for the latest on the so-called City of Hope. [b]The Underground[/b] A misfit collection of mutants and humans who have been affected or victimized by mutant hate groups. Most are angered individuals who have lost a loved one, a family member, or a dear friend. Some are idealistic young people who want to fight for a good cause. But all have finally grown tired of the City Government delaying them their desired justice against the prejudice they now face. Note: Unwilling to take no for a answer in any more the Underground is considered a dangerous gang in the city. Any and all members of this group are subject t immediate arrest for multiple homicides and government damage. ------------- [b]About characters:[/b] This setting in just shy of where we are nowadays in recent years and not much has changed honesty in the way of clothing our styles or hobbies in the United States. Your character can be from pretty much anywhere, hell it can be anime or realistic. Go nuts people. Character sheet On the longer parts such as Bio History or Personality keep it at least one good paragraph to not above three paragraphs) [b]Neo Name:[/b] (What Neo knows you by) [b]Alias:[/b] (OPTIONAL: be creative and nothing widely recognized) [b]Name:[/b] (First and last is a must people) [b]Age:[/b] (How old are you?) [b]Origin:[/b] (where on Earth did you come from? Nothing made up, unless you speak to me) [b]Mutant:[/b] (You can be human or mutant so Yes or No) [b]Gender:[/b] (Simple I hope) [b]Appearance:[/b] (You must give a written description) [b]History:[/b] (While I'm all for you being detailed try to not make a novel will you? Some of us want to play) [b]Gift/Power:[/b] (You get one and Be creative but not all powerful, otherwise I WILL have a MIDGET beat you senseless) [b]Fear/Curse/Sickness:[/b] (Newton’s Third Law. As you have a power you also have a 'liability' that comes to reality. This can range from clumsiness, to illness to full-blown rage. Just as abilities though please keep it creative and potent enough to offset yer guy, Not world ending unless you talk with me about it) [b]Personality:[/b] (A summary so others will know how to relate to your character) [b]Items:[/b] (I don’t want to see a walking one man army with a begillion guns or sharp pointy things. PM me if you want to discuss details) [b]Theme:[/b] (OPTIONAL : Pick a song you think fits your character, and link it here) [b]Picture:[/b] (OPTIONAL : Can be anime, real person, or hand drawn. Yet challenge yourself not to do anything obvious or well known etc… Mel Gibson/Michael Jackson/Barney the Dinosaur) [b]Other:[/b] (Anything else that you think needs to be said, put it here) --------- [b]Creator’s Rant:[/b] Warning Skip this if you don’t want to hear me rant. Just before we get started I’m open minded about anything but in the end I make the call of what goes on in this place. You have free reign of your characters of course but I’m the Head Honcho in this here parts. Any ideas concerning the plot you will run by me before you do it or otherwise things get messy. And believe me I got no problem being an ass if I have to be. In the end though I created this RP so writers can wing it reasonably and enjoy themselves with fellow writers in a world not our own. We work together and pull this off we can all say we had a good time, if it falls on its face faster than a Wile E. Coyote safety check then we can say we gave it a shot and had a few laughs. ------------ Rules: Alright now we get to me favorite part > = ) First I’ll get the BIG one out of the way :::The Seven* Line Rule::: All Role-Play entries must be at least seven* lines long. This is not meant to annoy you, but rather to give your fellow Role-Players something to work with. It is very annoying when others do not give you something to work with and continue the story, and it might even break a Role-Play, so please, post at least five lines. We also hope that you'll eventually learn to post even longer posts. As a small addition to this rule, Role-Play creators are now allowed to specify the minimum of lines each post in their Role-Play must have, as long as it's five or more. Anyone not following their preference can be reported and their post will be removed. If no preference is posted, it's still at least seven* lines. Personal note: I see shorter then seven lines, you Will hear from me. Now on to my Rules, Yes MY rules. My way or the Loungin Thread Fer Yer Scurvy Arses!! (More may be added down the road) 1. Be polite and courteous to ALL other writers (regardless of age…. Yes I have had to learn that myself recently that age is not a reason to judge someone) 2. No killing or doing anything serious with other people’s characters without their consent (Can’t stress this enough so just don’t do it) 3. I don’t mind you killing thugs and petty criminals or even a few cops but don’t kill EVERYONE in the city. Also no killing the leaders of factions unless you ask me (Your not Rambo NOR are you God, also playing in a empty city just isn’t fun so don’t try it here. Go make your own RP if you don’t like it) 4. I get to decide who joins the story (I’m a picky ole basterd, just the way I am) 5. No God Modding (Big thing for me, I see it, yer gone, end of story … well after I have Justin Beiber kick your character’s ass) 6. You will not have any Pure OOC only posts (See Rule Number 14 .... come on scroll down. YOU CAN DO IT!!! NO NOT the CheeseCake You Fool!!) 7. Communication is the magic word … Use PM’s or IM’s if your going to use other people characters (If you have trouble reaching someone let me know and I’ll be the middleman if I have to) 8. dont typ liek dis. I see it I’ll skip yer post without giving it a second glance, but I’ll at least PM you to fix your crap (Now if it’s stuff you can say like ‘yer’ ‘gonna’ ‘wanna’ ‘lemme’ but say it IN CHARACTER instead of the post in itself then I have no problem) 9. If you have a brain fart or merely don’t know what to do PM me and I’ll get back to you as fast as I can so we can brainstorm together (and believe me when I say brainstorm) 10. Be mature and don’t have things go into a ‘he said she said’ squabble (If it gets to that point let me know and I’ll plant my foot down to end it) 11. Do not go around blowing shit up unless you tell me first (That’s my job and I want in on the fun) 12. This is rated M and there WILL be mature material here (Just a heads up though don’t overdue it yall, I know strange coming from me but come on this isn’t a B-rated movie or porno so let’s keep it on a manageable level) 13. The new OOC Thread is up and runing. While I can understand a few OOC's are helpful in the RP I want MOST of the character and plot discussion either there or in PM's (I'm being personally lenient on the OOC's because I've never had much trouble with them, if that changes then the rules will change.) 14. There are goinging to be new rules and you must check the rules ever so often just to make sure you are not missing anything. (Hey come on guys, not tht hard. Hell it could be worse ... we could all be stuck in a big sweat box with ONE bottled water between us) 15. I am Starting to like this RP so I'm putting this rule into effect, you must post at least ONCE a week. You can post more if you wish as well but ONCE a week at least. (Come on yall one post a week at least is'nt bad, hell I would be willing to help you type MOST of that one post if you just let me know yer stuck, where else you gonna get that kind of deal?) 16. And this last rule I give preps to Corruption from an RP we did way back in the day Regarding battles, we will not be using stats or anything of that sort, so disregard anything of the sort. In battles where fellow RP members are pitted against each other, there will be absolutely nothing like this. [b]Person A:[/b] Mah characer is liek teh pwnzors! He beat yer characer dead with his uberness! LOLZ! [b]Person B:[/b] Hellz no, biatch! My character >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grater than yours! GTFO! [b]Person A:[/b] NO, U GTFO! My character wil eet yors for brekfust! [b]Person C:[/b] -comes in and destroys the world with Jesus- LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! No. It won't happen. Ever. No second chances, it just won't. Further elaboration on the way battles will work out will be posted if needed. I strongly doubt it will come to that since everyone here is mature enough to settle squabbles like that via PM seeing as this isn't Loungin', but I'm just warning you all right now. ------ Feel free to ask me any questions, concerns, and/or suggestions you might have anytime as well. All right comrades I know some people are restricted to PMing and that's completely acceptable but I'm going to dare you to expand it a bit further. I have found that over the years on Neo the ones that MSN Live Messenger is a better way of doing this for character and plot discussion. Kushluk_Shimazu@live.com for me. In fact I would almost make this a requirement if not for me finding out some people can't help it but be stuck to Pming. I also got Skype and a few other means at my disposable, just ask me if you feel left out and I’ll get you back into the mix of things.