Name: Aponi Byrd Race: Druid Age: 17 Appearance: [hider=Aponi] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Aponi isn't exactly a social butterfly. She has no problem with making friends or anything like that, she just doesn't have much experience with keeping them as she was always moving. She's pretty easy to get along with though, as she's laid back and has a good sense of humor. She doesn't care for confrontation too much, rather trying to work around the problem, unless the problem is too big or too important to do that. She takes her studies seriously, not because she wants to do good, but because she feels like it connects her to her mother. Description: Aponi was born to a loving couple. Her father a photographer and her mother a druid, though she didn't find this out until later in life. Her mother was killed when she was five, her father telling her that it was a car crash that took her mother. After that, her father brought Aponi along on his job trips, bringing her all around the world. He had hoped that Aponi wouldn't have inherited her mother's abilities as a druid but the signs started to show up around her 15th birthday and by the time she was 17 there was no denying it anymore. Aponi's father explained what really happened to her mother and got Aponi enrolled into Goetia so she could at least learn to protect herself with her powers. Spells: (If applies.) (need help with this) Gear: (If applies.) (does this apply to a druid?)