Hey there. You've struck my interest in wanting to do a Persona-based RP (I'm a big fan of SMT games as a whole, Persona definitely included.) I'd love to write something with those sorts of themes and in a setting like that, since I think it'd be a good way to be able to play something fun, but also tackle harder/darker issues at the same time. The series has tons of individual and interpersonal growth, which is something I'm pretty keen on. I don't mind running events and things like that, I can usually think up and keep a hold on some cool stuff to happen in a given world, so I wouldn't mind filling that role. But if you asked me to come up with a basic plot right now I'd ashamedly draw a huge blank. Once the ball starts rolling I'm confident I can keep it rolling, but if you want me to come up with a premise, I may be a few days. Anyway, if you've got any lingering ideas, characters you want to play, or just bullet points you think are cool, shoot me a PM. Or if you just wanted to get things started conversationally, I don't mind. Otherwise I'll think on it a bit and PM you with an idea, whenever one comes to me. Just wanted to get my foot in the door and express interest while it was on my mind. Oh, as far as fitting your rules, I can post at least once a day, unless I'm working (and you'll know if I am) and I'm most comfortable writing upwards of three paragraphs. And I'm not keen on ERP (though I think a little romantic tension can help spice up dialogue if it develops organically.)