Riku smirked at what the monk had said "You're weak from earlier, so what makes you think that you can best me in a one on one fight?" He told the monk before smirking yet again "well then again it's your funeral." he added. Riku lifted his scythe up, and shortly after the scythe turned into his demonic flame before disappearing "since I'm an honorable person I won't use my scythe it will be a battle of true strength." He told the monk before taking his own fighting stance. [hider=Riku's stance][img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9jZpStn4jJ4ZwTLjoNHuvd9L-p6usmUqhRP5iPpOk1U2fU-vC[/img][/hider]