[hider=Odysus] [B]Name/Titles:[/B] [i]Viria Odysus[/i] Shepherd of Nightmares & Dreams, Keeper of Asorphii, Conduit of Visions and Seer of the Unknown, the Unpredictable & the Unnerving. [B]Sex/Gender[/B]: Seamlessly switches through both male and female at will. [B]Patronage:[/B] - Hallucinations, Visions, Nightmares, Dreams, "Day Dreams" -- Deception, Illusion, Manipulation, Foresight --- Hallucinogenic mushrooms and other herbal substances [B]Appearance:[/B] As Odysus confronts others in a masculine form, there is almost always a mystic haze of smoke surrounding his face. A blurry visage of crimson and violet obscures wildly fashionable and royal clothing as if he lived like a king. The only clear and definitive part of his appearance is a crown adorned upon his head in gold and ebony. He is known to take the form of a large eastern screech owl with rustled gray feathers and a grotesque scar over his two missing eyes, his head sporadically twitching about in every which direction. When often morphing into a feminine form, a fully crimson visage blurs as she transitions into a blended variety of colors and robes. She stands taller than as a man, with a violet cloth draped over her face. Devilish horns protrude from out the cloth as they jut out from her jaw line, as well as random patterned design of short and thick horns stubbed along her scalp. Her hair and otherwise most of her body is either obscured by clothing or a blurry hue. She is known to take the form of a beautiful island fox with a miraculous set of feathered wings allowing for a short distance of flight. The eyes of the fox are also gouged out, however there are no scars present along the perfect coat and slim body of her primal form. Other than these four known appearances, it is often rumored that Viria Odysus can take the shadowed form of practically anything. That they are indeed the things you swear you've seen out the corner of your eye, always watching and observing from a peripheral line of view. Only the most perceptive and observant deities can sense such a presence, usually automatically summoning Odysus to a known form if they realized they are caught. [B]Parentage:[/B] - A thought, or a vision. -- Saoaedes, High Prophet of Dassanos. The first mortal human to ingest hallucinogenic mushrooms and conjure the deity known as Viria Odysus for the first recorded time in history. [B] Pantheon/Affiliation:[/B] Affiliated almost entirely with itself, Odysus will join the Pantheon at wildly sporadic and infrequent moments. [B]Centres of Worship/Places of Power:[/B] - The [i]Temple of Heathens[/i], known by The Cult of Dassanos as the [i]Temple of Clarity[/i] on [i]Mount Zorus[/i]. Has been reduced to rubble and rebuilt thirteen times. - Underground/Basement Cults in a variety of cities, villages and homesteads. - Seven altars and statues are known to exist within Lymaeus, scattered in various locations and known only to a select few within the Ordus Psylybus. [B]Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:[/B] [i]- Saoaedes[/i], the Deathless Soul, the Mortal Father. Something literally no other being can sense is even there, something almost all deities believe to be imaginary, nonexistent. Odysus, however, claims to be accompanied by the soul of a once mortal human man whom they have the privilege of being child to. They will console always to their right shoulder, head turned in a cloud of mist and fog or mystic smoke to whisper unheard words to seemingly nothing. A low ringing is heard, and the vibrant being returns to normal. This is when it is presumed the infallible "deathless soul" is giving advice and wisdom to his child, to many skeptics it is a weird occurrence. [i]- The Cult of Dassanos[/i]. Branded heretics and banished from the city of Caesilinus, what was once the Church of Dassanos had quite the prominent base of worshipers. At some point in the early years of Caesilinus' establishment, several priestesses from the Church of Dassanos entered the Megali Naos seemingly uninterrupted by guards or anything else. Once inside, the unknown number of females brandished knives and began chanting in tongues in a wild and chaotic fashion, defiling several great artifacts in the process. As they approached a painting of Aroesus and several other gods of the Pantheon, they proceeded to stab the painting's rendition of Aroesus several times and slashing the painting toward certain other deities in the Pantheon. The painting was so torn and destroyed, however, no one was able to interpret the meaning behind it. Worship of Odysus was forbidden from then on in Caesilinus, and frowned upon immensly in other settlements and cities and nations within Lymaeus. The Church continued on as the Cult, and places of worship were constructed underground or in dark alleyways, shadowed places and sometimes even hidden in plain sight. While hallucinogenic substances are still socially acceptable in most places along the mortal plane, those who took to kindly to the mushrooms were viewed with suspicion and often raided by city guards or armed and concerned locals. The current day finds itself in the waning end times for the Cult of Dassanos, as of the death of Aroesus occurred several important underground temples had been ransacked and destroyed. Only local places of worship and a select few underground temples exist now, the cultists desperately scrambling to save the physical imprint of their god on Lymaeus. [i]- Ordus Psylybus[/i]. A sacred organization, a secretive sect within the Cult of Dassanos. Hundreds of order members have been rounded up and executed coincidentally following the assassination of Aroesus. Only a handful are left, and not even the most honored cult members can determine where they've gone. [B]Psychology:[/B] Patience is something Odysus has a lot of, normally able to collectively calm others even during heated debates or tense confrontations. There is a cowardly being under the cool and collected stance they display unto others, attempting to vanish from deteriorating situations as fast as possible rather than confront anything if necessary. Regardless, situations deemed out of control appear to place Odysus into a frantic state and almost always turns the being into a hollow shell of itself for hours. This is when they are most known for transforming into their prospective primal animal forms and scattering away from the situation swiftly and clumsily. Seeing things undetectable from even the most powerful within the Pantheon, skeptic gods and clueless mortals believe Odysus to simply be a walking mental illness. Those who defy his "infallible vision" are often met with rudeness and aggression, while others whom either truly believe or pretend to believe such a being are met with kindness and compassion. [B]History:[/B] Viria, the name bestowed upon a creation of a mind in a moment just before civilization forged culture. A young boy known as Saoaedes had found himself lost for three days in the dense and vastly unexplored Dassanos Forest. Game was highly scarce, and plants bearing anything edible was just as uncommon. Low on water, he stumbled upon a patch of peculiarly shaped mushrooms. Shortly upon ingesting them, a fiery winged fox soared through the clouds above, forming new images and colored patterns behind the trail. The fox landed before him, shifting into a red blur taller than himself. A thunderous echo rung through his fragile ears and the blur shifted to gray. Within the span of a lightning strike and the blink of an eye it was gone, and the boy found himself forever changed. Odysus was eventually bestowed as the official title to the public for some odd reason. Meanwhile, along the fields of Hevas came forth an owl, which proceeded to infiltrate its way into Krona during a meeting held by the current pantheon. The owl promptly landed on the table before Aroesus and the rest, darting it's head erratically at every single individual being. Within a moment's notice the owl had vanished as a man donning purple and golden regalia and dress attire pulled up a chair, a long wooden pipe jutting out from a face obscured in both smoke and a consistently blurry visage spoke to them. [i]"Why hath they no creation of the mind at night, no reason to sleep nor wake? Where do they go in the day to find reality's escape?"[/i] The Pantheon appeared bewildered, and only Aroesus grinned in response. [i]"I will create a shallow river to flow from our lands to theirs, a way to seed my gift unto them. And in their sleep they will visit my theatre, in their minds I will forge them a cultural renaissance. We ought to take care of them sometimes, worry less of our meddlesome affairs."[/i] And just like that, the man vanished as a faint shadow flew from sight out of the palace. -- Maybe some cooperative history stuff here. -- After Aroesus' death, Odysus frantically turned skittish and paranoid faster than any other. A fox and an owl both had been seen by various beings in Hevas to have clawed their own eyes out. Their formal appearances appear to the other gods and goddesses only rarely and have much to say in very short time spans. An owl was last seen hovering over Hevas aimlessly. [B]Relationships:[/B] [indent](Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above. You don't have to list every character, just the ones your character actually has ties to/strong feelings for.)[/indent] Again, waiting to cooperate with other players before I fill too much of this out. [/hider]