Ramius stopped to glance behind himself when he heard someone playing a flute. His eyes scanned the crowd and located the flute player. [i]A gnome? Hmh... I'll sate my curiosity a bit later...[/i] He shook his head ever so slightly and headed through the door to meet the ear aching sounds of the patrons that seemed to love their little drinking establishment. He moved through the crowd with ease, stealing a few coppers here and there from people too drunk to notice his sleight of hand. His swift hands also found a half empty tankard of ale - the owner of which had fallen in to drunken sleep. The Yan-ti did not particularly enjoy the taste of ale, but a free drink was always to be enjoyed if you had a chance for it. Ramius emptied the tankard with few sips and placed it back on the table while leaning over to the sleeping man and nudging his shoulder "You shouldn't fall asleep like that, neighbor." The man flinched awake and blinked his eyes. He let out a little yelp due to the piercing blue eyes that were staring at him from under a hood. "W-wha? Uh... Y-yeah... I Sh-shouldh be headin' back to m' lass already..." Ramius smiled surprisingly warmly to the man and nodded. "That you should, neighbor." He nodded to the man before again continuing onward to the bar. His eyes caught a new sight - a brown haired woman, quite attractive by the Yan-ti's standards, a new face surely. Ramius hid his right arm under his cloak and made his way closer to the woman while making sure the hood of his cloak covered his head. "I'm surprised to see a new face in the Leaping Stag, what brings you to this fine establishment li'll miss?"