WIP Name of Race: Tarandrus General Biology: The Tarandrus are a sentient species that can be described as half-human, half-reindeer. They are bipedal and bi-armed, very much humanoid in configuration, their torso and abdomen are those of a human, consisting of bare skin that varies slightly in color depending on the region in which they live and a pair of breasts for women. However their lower body is that of a deer's, complete with stiffles, gaskins and hocks (a bit of terminology for you), hooved feet and completely fur covered, also little cute tails. Their heads vary widely on where they live, specifically their biomes; Desert Tarandrus, for example, have long pointed black horns at the front of their heads that resemble those of Oryxes, Whereas Forest Tarandrus tend to have wider more branching antlers from the sides of their heads. However even the resemblance of the antlers change from place to place, being more moose-like the colder it is and more deer-like in leafier places; The color of their coats also changes accordingly to biome and type of horned creature they get their head adornments from. Their eye also varies from that of a human's, they tends to be one color, usually black or dark brown but can also be greens or blues, they are positioned more further apart then a humans and are much wider, resembling those of a deer.  The male Tarandrus stands on average around 6"6' tall and weighs in at about 350Ibs mostly due to the amount of muscle within the legs. A male usually has hair running up the middle of his back, all the way up his neck and joins with the head of hair, the hair is almost always the color of the leg fur. Throughout most of the year prior to the two months that make up mating season, the sexual organ of the male is stowed within the body, emerging during mating season through a sheath, that is angled slightly upwards, between their legs; their testicles and scrotum however, hang freely through out the entire year. However, a male Tarandrus sexually matures at a very late stage, at around 17 years of age because the reproductive system of the female also takes a long time to develop.  The female Tarandrus stand at around 5"4' dwarfed by their male counter parts and weigh a dainty 200 pounds, as they are much slimmer, with skinnier limbs and smaller torso and have less muscle. A female has a much narrower strip of hair down their backs then males, however they make up for this by having triple hair growth speed on their heads. Also, while we are still on the topic of heads, they have much smaller horns/antlers, more for decoration then for combat, and much longer wider deer ears then males. The woman's reproductive organ, unlike in other species, is not frontal but underneath the tail, making the up angled male organ necessary for more comfortable intercourse. However for most of the year, the organ is closed and would require tremendous force to get through, but to make up for prolonged periods of sexual inactivity, woman give birth to litters of two offspring at a time. The gender of the offspring isn't decided by the gametes of the mating couple but completely by the female, her eggs containing both genderal chromosomes for either gender.