[b]Name:[/b] Jean Grey [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Alias:[/b] Marvel Girl, Phoenix [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/jeang_zps5b52f27a.jpg] [b]Abilities:[/b] Jean is telepathic and telekinetic. [b]Personality:[/b] Jean has gone from a happy and naive young woman of privilege to a traumatized victim, and finally to calm and quietly confident survivor. She has always been a very kind, but very private person since the death of her parents. Even her presence in the dreams of others has been described as soothing, if contemplative. She can charm as easily as she can intimidate. Her eidetic memory has given her wisdom, her passion for life after Xavier rescued her trapped psyche the drive to make as much as she can of that wisdom in her chosen field in medicine, then as a hero. Her sense of humor ranges from dry wit to the silly, and she often smiles. Her rage runs cold and determined, though it can take extreme measures to wake. [b]Biography:[/b] Jean Grey is the son and daughter Edward and Abigail Grey, born in Boston General on April 25 in 1985. Her father from the Greys of Boston, her mother from the Alcotts of Cape Cop. Her life was a prep academy, high society, fairy tale even into her teenage years. Her family was happy, active in Boston, kept busy with friends from school and business and philanthropy, until the day after Jean's cotillion. That day her parent's were struck by a drunk driver, though Jean survived with no major injuries, she had been found unconscious on the scene. It would take a year for her to wake up. During her time as a coma patient, coma patients at her hospital that had awoken spoke of seeing a girl like her before. It was only after a desperate and unorthodox doctor heard the claims of awoken coma patients read an article on the possible power of mutants in Time that he guessed nothing medical or mystic in nature--but something mutated. That was when a mentor suggested an old Academic friend; Charles Xavier. Xavier was able to save Jean from the abyss, but saving her from the experience of death from the telepathic link formed with her parents when they died. The trauma of losing her loved ones, her only family except for distant relatives she had very little contact with before her parent's death. None had visited her. Jean accepted Xavier's invitation to come to his Institute, and become part of a team of students gifted like her. She would go on to test out and fly through undergraduate at Princeton while mostly living out of the Mansion, doing her years of residency in Emergency Medicine before finishing and returning to teach at the Institute and take on a greater role in Xavier's cause and school administration before Genosha. Jean has gone from the team's weakest link, defensive in nature and unskilled, to one of it's most powerful members with the emergence of her telepathic powers at the time of the decision to intervene in Genosha upon Magneto's request. Though Magneto's warning had been dire, not even Xavier expected what Apocalypse was capable of after the final defeat of his Horsemen. Let alone the rest of the X-Men. He caught them by surprise when even Xavier seemed certain Apocalypse was failing maintain. She was linked to him in the instant victory turned to sudden defeat, when Xavier was overcome in a heartbeat. When Xavier died, Magneto lost control. In response Magneto threatened the very world to defeat Apocalypse, the alien estimating he would beat the human to it and survive the aftermath. The ancient alien turned godling awoke something primordial when it went to destroy the world first. It was Jean's fanatic desperation to preserve life, and her telepathic ability to perceive it, that convinced it she could handle it's darker side. Though she understands the power behind the Phoenix Force, she knows it only in dream logic. A feeling of knowing the forces behind the universe, of seeing them at play. Of being able to change them, as she had learned through Apocalypse and the power it took to defeat him and save the Earth. Of dying, Jean can only say she felt touched by the power of God, before remembering Apocalypse scream, and her world going black. She awoke after her cosmic dreams standing upon the desolation Genosha has become, remembering nothing after the Phoenix took her and destroyed Apocalypse until waking up. Her return has come as a shock, both to those close to her, and to those watching them. Though she has shown either no sign of major changes after her death and rebirth, it is clear she has begun to see life and death in different terms. Her powers seem returned to pre-Phoenix states, and Jean admits she does not feel the Phoenix within her or anywhere else now. According to Director Fury before his removal, she had replaced Magneto as the top mutant on at least the US kill list. [b]Misc[/b]: The Phoenix Force is blind to Galactus and his heralds, as Galactus is from before the current universe. It has fled from Death.