[b]Arcadia[/b] "We applaud your efforts in setting up such a Union Nox, we Romans even want to do something similar. However we have come to realize force will be needed, as not everybody will willingly join it. Also included on the disk are the locations of New Rome, New Germania, and New Gull. These are the three largest planets in terms of population in the New Roman Empire and is where I would like to have the magical academies. I can also say that I can not join the New Roman Empire with you right now but perhaps in the far future. Beyond that I like to stay on Arcadia for a while so I may learn more about Roa'marii history and culture." [b]Kibō-hosh, Space[/b] The Princess stood up as she watched the the new contact board the Abh ships. She did not know who they were, but they were helping the Romans already. She turned to her communication officers as she ordered the fleet to deploy all Roman Bug Fighters into atmosphere and bombard any Abh reinforcements heading towards the capital of Kibō-hosh and any Abh Air bases regardless of their location. The fighters swarmed into the atmosphere and the new bombardment campaign began. She turned to the new communication channel as she broadcasted her message. "I am Princess Aurora via Italia of the New Roman Empire. I do not know who you are or why you are here, however if you assist in capturing and taking this planet we can make it worth your while in the form of resources and perhaps a few pieces of technology. The message was broadcasted in quite a few languages, also included in the transmission was a strange data matrix. Analysis of it revealed that it was a translation matrix for one of the languages the Romans broadcasted, and it was easy to decrypt due to the fact that it was in basic 01 code. [b]Kibō-hosh, Ground Battle[/b] The Abh Air bases were suddenly surrounded by the explosions of orbital bombardment, as many of the rounds struck the bases. Reinforcements heading to the current battle also found themselves struck by the massive blasts, as the massive swarm of Roman Bug Fighters descended on the Abh Craft. If there was one advantage they had it was the fact that they were fast and cheap to produce, making it so the Abh suddenly found their craft outnumbered in the air, as massive amounts of Roman transports descended, carrying even more troops. Combined with the orbital bombardment the Romans were focused on gaining air superiority, as the Abh in the city and on the battlefield found that for every Imperial Guardsmen they killed, another 5 seemed to take his or her place. The Romans were hoping to win by sheer numbers alone. [b]Roman Colony World A-01[/b] The Psionic aboard the Roman ship transmitted another message. "[i]You may land near the capital, it is the largest city and where you most likely feel most of the energy on this world. Normally the Emperor himself would meet with such a... interesting contact but he is currently attending to other diplomatic matters[/i]." [b]Outer Collective Human Colony[/b] The Romans had detected a signal originating from this sector of Andromeda, supposedly from the other human colony ship attempting to contact Earth or the Roman's colony ship. However the battle group of 10 ships upon arriving and scanning the system had found that a new alien contact had conquered them, apparently the signal beings quite old. "Novi ego imperator Romanus Kajan venimus huc ratus humana erat coloniae Novae Mostt homines sed etiam imperium alterius rationis." The Latin they were speaking was clearly a different dialect, and the transmission also included a translation matrix but for the most part the Collective could understand it without it.