By the time Cory had returned to school the halls were nearly barren, with only the janitorial crew, faculty staff, and a couple of stray students still lingering in the hallways. "12.. C" mumbled Cory to himself, looking at his scrap piece of notepaper as he wandered into a wing of school he hadn't been in since his first year, looking up again, he counted the doors to himself as he walked, a childish habit but a helpful one nonetheless. "3, 5, 7...8, 10.. Wait.." he'd stutter, turning on a heel and finding himself looking at the side of the corridor. After quick correction, he approaches the class, affirming it as the place to meet by listening to the sound of chatter within. Tentatively he hangs in the doorway, poking his head and torso into the class before moving into the wooden frame fully, "Uh, hi" he'd say curtly, raising a hand in a similarly short wave of address. "This is 12C, eh? The um, uh.. Meeting place, or something" he begins, quickly losing his train of thought. In an attempt to salvage his attempt at speech, he draws a crumpled letter from his back pocket, holding it up for all to see. He looks like he's going to continue his previous runaway sentence, but instead decides against it and waits for a response.