Sessamaru watched the exchange with serious eyes, realizing that the monk was indeed drained compared to the half-demon. Though attempting to be honorable, Sess knew quite well that the half-demon had an edge. Even Maosu's voice held some level of reason. Slowly, but surely, Sessamaru rose to his feet and took a simple step forward. In a single stride, he appeared between Udyr and Riku as if by magic; and indeed, it was magic that allowed him to move swiftly between the two. "Enough," Sessamaru spoke aloud, his melodic voice a casual tenor. "There's no need for bloodshed." After a small delay from his "instantaneous movement," a strong gust of wind fell in between the three, trying to fill the vacuum that allowed the swordsman to move so swiftly. His long white hair danced like white flames, his emerald eyes shining brightly. "Perhaps we should think of a way to escape this place?" He asked, hopefully, though he knew deep down that reason would no longer apply to the two warriors.