*~*~*[color=burlywood]Alan Woodard[/color] and [color=lightcoral]Morgan Reginald[/color], Present Day, Lake Tahoe, Earth*~*~* Having gone to sit down on the cot after Morgan and Dominic had left, Alan had been staring blankly at the cement wall opposite of him, trying to push his past from his thoughts once more but the sobering visit had his mind running almost to full capacity. Sighing, he hung his head, absentmidedly running his fingers through his hair in an effort to dull the throbbing headache that he had become aware of once again from severe dehydration from the alcohol. Hearing one of the doors down the hall opening back up, he could only assume it was the 'hot mamma' woman that had arrested him, coming back for more information. He didn't want to deal with [i]that[/i] either but it was better than the alternative. Morgan sighed through her nose silently as headed back to the cells, not looking forward to having to talk to 'Pinocchio'. After getting two other officers to back her up, she headed for the cells so she could get Alan Woodard to an interrogation room. She soon stood in front of Alan's cell with crossed arms and a stern look on her face as she opened the cell door. She said to him seriously "Alright. Now, I have some questions for you," Lifting his head up to look at her slightly, he gave her a tired smile, no longer feeling as well-rested as he had been just moments before. He had no sense of time in the room without windows, for all he knew he could have only knocked out for twenty minutes. But he supposed he'd find that out later. "And my answer is yes, I'd be more than happy to take you underwear shopping." He replied, his smirk growing somewhat as he let his eyes look her over again, still squinting from the 'brightness' of the light. She ignored his snarky comment as she grabbed the back of his shirt collar, hand cuffed him again, and she walked to the interrogation room with him in tow. Soon they reached the room, and had Alan sit in the umcomfortable chair away from the door, lights, and thermostat (facing him towards the one way window that showed his reflection). The moment Alan was seated, he rested the side of his head down on the table in front of him and closed his eyes, using his bended arms underneath him as a sort of pillow and exhaled an elongated sigh. The two officers closed the door behind the both of them, and Morgan paced in front of him. She took the heroin he had on his person out, (placed within an evidence bag) and she stated calmly, with a dangerous edge in her tone, "Care to explain as to how you got your mitts on this," Cracking open an eye to look up at her, then the heroin case he had procured recently and then back up to her, he finally just let his eye slide back closed and replied, sounding rather annoyed, "Care to show a bit of human decency and get me a glass of water?" Another officer soon came into the room with a cup of water in hand, and just placed it on the table before leaving again. Morgan gestured towards the water, and stated coldly, "There's your water. Now answer the question," Lifting his head just a fraction to look at the styrofoam cup of water, he reached a hand out and brought it to his lips, taking as long as he possibly could to drink it's contents just to get a rise out of the woman. Once finished, he crushed the cup in his hand, set it back down on the table and smacked his lips obnoxiously. "I want a lawyer." He told her firmly and laid his head back down on his makeshift pillow on the table. Of course he had to say that. She mentally rolled her eyes, and she shrugged saying, "Alright, fine," She knew what to do in order to entice him. She hoped it would work. She started heading for the door and as she did she stated "I guess you don't want that phone call then," Rolling his head around a bit so that it was upright, with his chin still resting on his hands, he gave the woman in front of him another look over, however holding the alluring gaze and was instead seeming to size her up. "Alright. You're hot, so I'll give you a bit of a break here. This isn't my first rodeo mamma, that 'one phone call' is complete and utter bullshit; something drummed up by the media that has stuck for some unknown Goddamn reason. We both know that my right to a phone call depends on the person assigned to my case... I'm guessing that person is you- I apologize -so the question here is... how much longer do you want to put up with me before you beg me to call someone to just put up my bail? I don't have a lawyer of my own, now... assuming you did your job right when you arrested me, you read me my rights, which means one will be provided to me by this lovely state of Nevada... and we both know that sometimes, thanks to this wonderful justice system we have in good ol' America, that could take up to a few weeks." He paused, letting his words sink in for a moment as he rested his head back down on the table again to close his eyes. "So how much is bail? Lets see we got attempted car theft, public intoxication... drug possession..." He paused, closing his already shut eyes tighter as he tried to think. "...carry the two..." After a moment he sighed and relaxed his face. "Fuck it, I can't think. Just call a bail bondsman for me, yeah?" Morgan stopped and faced Alan when he started speaking. She crossed her arms, and drummed her fingers as the man in front of her rattled on about what she knew already. When he finally made his request and asked her to call a bail bondsman for him like she was nothing more than a servant girl, she kept her cold gaze on his eyes, and she said to him seriously, "Not until you tell me where you got the heroin, yeah?" She wasn't going to let this arrogant prick get the better of her. "Found it inside the belly of a whale, and unless you wanna spend thousands of dollars of the hard-working, low-income class' tax payers dollars on a poly, you can't call me a liar. So there, I answered your question. A bail bondsman if you'd please..." He said, keeping his head down and eyes closed still, though using his hand to 'sweep' her away with a small gesture, unable to do much since his wrists were still handcuffed together. Morgan narrowed her gaze at Alan irritably, before calming herself down. She placed latex gloves on her hands, and took out an empty evidence bag, and placed the two large styrofoam cup pieces that had Alan's saliva and fingerprints on it. The law enforcement had their ways of weeding out the culprits. She started walking out silently promising that she would make sure that he went to jail. She walked past an officer and she said to him, clearly irritated "Give him his bails bondsman," She then went to forensics and handed the styrofoam cup and the bag of heroin, so they could pull off the fingerprints, differentiate them from Alan's, and run them through the system. After she was done with forensics, she went to an Officer Richard Hanson and she said to him "Ask him about his contacts, have someone come pick his sorry ass up," Officer Richard nodded and he said "Yes, Detective," He then went to the interrogation room to do as Morgan asked. Coming up with who the male officer could call for him wasn't exactly a hard choice. He only had half a handful of contacts in Nevada, and even less phone numbers of those people he could call. Mainly, it came down to the deck of cards he had (or used to have) in his pocket with the phone numbers of the girls he had gotten over the last week, though he doubted Daria or Annelise or any of the other girls he managed to sleep with at the lodge would give two shakes of a crickets tail about him... except Eliza. His visibly winced at that thought. He was supposed to be in bed with her by now, seduced her with a fair amount of alochol and cheesy romantic movies but instead he was here. Who knew how many phone calls he had missed from her by now; he still wasn't even sure how long he had been in here. Giving the officer directions about the deck of cards they had confiscated, telling him which card to find exactly where, the officer eventually got ahold of Eliza's number and called her privately from his desk, leaving Alan in the interrogation room alone to wait.