[quote=Revans Exile] Just noticed something I don't like about this board, quoting screws up formatting.When I say like Walking Dead or like Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, etc I meant will there be super zombies, special zombies with awesome powers, or whatever you want to call them. I like playing video games with super zombies but when it comes to text RPGs and movies/tv shows they kind of ruin it for me.In the Walking Dead tv show (never read the comics) all the Zombies are exactly the same, except for the ones who died wearing riot gear but the Zombie itself is one hundred percent identical all the other zombies. [/quote] Well the zombies are going to be people so they'll all be slightly different, but there won't be any super-zombies. Outside of them all being slightly stronger than they were in human form due to not having working pain receptors.