Finally! Sorry for the longer than stated wait, the Broken lords Questline has one part where you need to hunt down four demon armies that spawn after searching a ruins. They all decided they wanted to go sailing. In different directions. Below is the profile for my Broken Lords character, Vinchus! He is mentioned by name, if not actually present, in the Broken Lords questline as an Archivist who does most of your Endless Ruin/Artifact research. Since there is little to no information about him other than offhand commentary by the Broken Lords leader, I figured I'd fill in the blanks. He is a melee tank with a few single-target, melee-range utility spells to mix things up a little. His history is currently incomplete, I figured it would be best to put what I had out rather than keep everyone waiting. Also, Winter is pretty ok, but Endless Winter is awful and they should have added an option to turn it off, lore be damned. [hider=Archivist Duke Vinchus Auleus Enlil de Palunbajo][quote=Vinchus][i]"We thought restoring the temple of the Concrete Endless would do away with our terrible need to drain the vitality from others. I oversaw the construction of the Channeling Altars and the Penitent Temples myself, and the scepter and my own research foresaw our salvation. I was there when my lord master descended to the Core of Auriga. All that came of that day were flames and despair, leaving nothing of our dreams but ashes...and Dust."[/i][/quote] [b]Name:[/b] Vinchus Auleus Enlil [b]Affiliation:[/b] Broken Lord Archivist and Duke of the estate of Palunbajo.[hider=Appearance]As with every other highborn member of the Broken Lords, Vinchus is permanently encased in a set of specially fitted, enchanted armor that covers the entirety of his partially incorporeal body. [img][/img][/hider][hider=Goals and Fears]Resigned to the fact that the Broken Lords will forever be forced to sustain themselves using Dust and Dark Magic, Vinchus continuously pursues research investigating ways to more efficiently exploit different forms of Dust. After the Core Disaster, Vinchus realized that there is no actual distinction between harnessing Dust as a resource or extracting it from living beings in order to survive. As living matter is by far the richest source of Dust, he questions which is worth more - his Chivalric vow, or the magics used to sustain himself. He is convinced that if he can find a way to either justify or refine the process of draining vitality from others, he can sway the Broken Lords onto a different path.[/hider][hider=Equipment]The Broken Lords are renowned for the superior quality of their armor, and Vinchus' personal set is no exception. He is fully decked out in Hyperium and Mithrite platemail supplemented by chainmail and studded leather. As an Archivist, he is armed both a longsword and a magewand, as well as a Titanium Tome. Like many other members of the Broken Lords nobility, he wears a Dust-infused Signet Ring for convenience in restorative rituals. He also carries the unique Scepter of Auir, the Ancestral Artifact used by the Broken Lords to locate and assemble the pieces of the Lodestone Assembly. Vinchus' analysis of the Scepter's whispering and etches are what elevated him to the status of Duke, and even though the Lodestone Assembly is completed, the scepter continues to whisper of ruins, artifacts, and anomalies in distant lands.[/hider][hider=Skills and Abilities:][b]Only Proverbially Broken:[/b] Thanks to his incredibly durable, personally fitted and castle-forged armor combined with his semi-incorporeal form, Vinchus can take tremendous blows with little wear to show for it. Even being clubbed by massive Urces and Harmonites would be unlikely to unbalance him. The tradeoff is that his armor makes him rather slow, both on foot and reflexively. [b]Dust Driven:[/b] Vinchus can absorb Dust from the environment and from other beings in order to sustain his own body. Draining dust in any form will heal Vinchus (to a varying degree depending on the amount and quality of the Dust drained), and different forms of Dust (such as Black Dust or Dustwater) will also grant him temporary magical abilities. However, he is unable to heal or otherwise sustain himself without Dust. If there is no Dust for him to drain, he can die from wounds to his form or even starve. [b]Whispers of the Ancients:[/b] The Scepter of Auir whispers in an esoteric language only Vinchus and other Broken Lords archivists understand, telling him about nearby Endless Ruins, artifacts, and pertinent information relating to them. The Scepter tends to speak in riddles however, which means its revelations can be readily misinterpreted or otherwise left unclear until it is too late. [b]The Very Model of a Modern Endless Archivist:[/b] Vinchus has received a formal education in the sciences and history, on top of having studied Endless ruins and artifacts rather extensively. He can identify most common and uncommon anomalies, and his Adamantine tome allows him to interface with Endless Ruins. However, his knowledge is more theoretical than practical. He knows, for example, that Hydromiel can be used to make field rations, but has no idea how to properly harvest and prepare it. With Endless Artifacts, the inverse is true - he can tell what they do, but not how. This can lead to unforeseen consequences if, for example, a door with an arcane seal opens by draining dust from nearby sources.[/hider][hider=Personality]Vinchus is, in a nutshell, pragmatic, serious, scholarly, cerebral, willing to take risks, somewhat narrow-minded, and honorable. Vinchus has sworn a vow of Chivalry - To succor the weak, to champion what is just, and to root out evil wherever it may lurk. He takes this vow seriously, as it is an integral part of his being, one that he has lived with since he was born. He was raised learning the nuances and intricacies of Chivalry long before he took it, and he views it as the only 'proper' way for anybody of highborn birth to lead their lives. However, he is not above bending and circumventing his vows where convenient, particularly since he relies upon what amounts to draining vitality from others in order to survive, and as a veteran of many battles and tragedies knows that sometimes dishonorable means are sometimes preferable in order to save lives and subvert the enemy. As an archivist and scholar, he is highly intelligent and has an intuitive grasp of the way of most things. His very education and intelligence also occasionally blind him to the reality that he is infallible, he offers sound advice but is rarely, if ever, receptive to any idea or plan that is not in-line with his own thinking. Combined with his chivalric upbringing, Vinchus is completely and utterly intractable in his political and cultural views. He would rather die than change where and how he stands in either (though particularly harsh or pointed experiences may force changes later on). His self-confidence and pragmatism also make him more likely to accept potential or actual losses and setbacks in pursue of a higher goal, and he is quick to disregard warnings of dangerous, cryptic or otherwise.[/hider][hider=Background][/hider][/hider]