[Center][Color=FFA500][H1]AQUAMAN[/H1][/Color] [IMG]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111120859/3158387-aquaman18_cover.jpg[/IMG][/Center] [B]| Name |[/B] Aquaman; Arthur Curry; Orin of Atlantis [B]| Age: |[/B] 20 [B]| Appearance |[/B] He has outstandingly blonde hair, as visibly yellow as a sunflower. It is feathered, yet thin and cut short. His skin is Caucasian, though he has the tan of a California surfer. He is well-muscled and toned. He has a god-like build, though he is relatively lean as far as superheroes go (more than Flash, less than Superman). As far as garb goes, he wears a variety of American style clothes while above the surface. But under the sea, or in battle, he will wear orange scale armor above slick black leggings that have a sheen like the skin of an eel, the associated gloves and boots are made of a seaweed green material that is extremely durable, yet flexible, with the exception of spikes that protrude from the forearm. Under the waves, he alternatively employs a skintight outfit that has purple, green, and various shades off blue to camouflage him in the water. [B]| Powers |[/B] As an Atlantean, his physique differs from a human's in a variety of basic ways. As a response to the pressures of the deep, they have skin tougher than steel, that cannot be pierced by any conventional needle, but possibly by a canine or a machine gun at point blank range, and superhuman strength sufficient to bring a supertanker to a complete stop on the water. He has an ability to breathe water as well as a natural super-speed swimming ability. His senses are also superior to a human's, with sight, smell, and hearing adapted to the deep Unlike other Atlanteans, he has the ability to influence most aquatic (fish, dolphins) and semiaquatic (otters, platypus, etc.) creatures as a result of being the king of the seas. From an Atlantean standpoint, his half-human heritage grants him the power to breathe air. A family heirloom, his trident, is one of five relics crafted by Lord Atlan, who made it indestructible and able to propel itself when thrown. [B]| Weaknesses |[/B] Water or Air deprivation causes him to become subject to general weakness and frequent blackouts. He has a need to 'breathe' at least every other day, though a thirst of sorts will set in hours after not being in contact with either fluid. [B]| Origin |[/B] Thousands of years ago, the city of Atlantis was sunk by Poseidon as punishment for the crimes of its people. It's first King, Atlan, had been a powerful sorcerer as a result of dealings with Circe, which had infuriated Poseidon. In order to appease the lord of the seas, he surrendered his throne, which Poseidon gave to his sister, Atlanna. Atlan lived on in exile, giving counsel and aid to those who sought him out. Queen Atlanna ruled graciously, eventually expanding the reach of Atlantis to create an undersea empire. After the second world war, which Atlantis played a discreet role in, they were discovered by human oceanographer Tom Curry. Atlanna met with him, communicating with magical assistance and they took a liking to each other. Shortly after meeting, she claimed Tom as her husband. Because of an inability to naturally breathe water, Atlanna visited Atlan to gain the ability to breathe air. Years into her reign, she gave birth to her son, Arthur, or Orin. She died five years later because she was killed by her advisor in a treasonous plot to overtake the kingdom, starting with its principal city, renamed Poseidonis to gain favor with its namesake. General Vulko became the leader of the Atlantean loyalists and rescued Orin from the clutches of the traitors, who intended to raise him as their own to ease the transition of authority. Vulko delivered Arthur to his father and waged a war against the rebels that has lasted over a decade. For fourteen years Arthur lived on land, discovering his abilities while at the beach, until Vulko returned him to his kingdom in preparation for the war's end. As soon as he was brought under the sea, Vulko brought him to see Atlan, who gifted him the Trident he'd made and gave him several abilities superior to his brethren. He quickly adjusted to life beneath the waves, and was immediately given position as Vulko's superior. He served in the military and fought in the front lines, boldly leading his people. A successful campaign has led to the recovery of every city but one, Poseidonis itself. The rebel leaders: Orm and his sister Mera, former disciples of Atlan and children of the original rebels. [B]| Arcs |[/B] [I]Ultimatum:[/I] Finally ending the rebellion, Arthur closes in on Poseidonis and attempts to reunite his people. Despite having the best of intentions for both sides, he is forced to pay a price that could alter the course of Atlantis forever. [I]Deathwish:[/I] Vulko informs Arthur that his brother in arms has been wounded, perhaps mortally. Worse, it was Arthur's own doing that caused it. Because of this, he decides to save his life at any cost, even if it means he loses his own. [I]The Return:[/I] Deep-sea fishermen have been plucking Atlantean citizens and property straight out of the sea. Worse yet, the captives are enslaved and put to work by human oppressors. Hearing this, Arthur sets out on a rescue mission.